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Profitable Practice from Development to Implementation James (Jim) Swain, JD Founder and CEO of the Academy of VA Pension Planners Valerie Peterson, JD.

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Presentation on theme: "Profitable Practice from Development to Implementation James (Jim) Swain, JD Founder and CEO of the Academy of VA Pension Planners Valerie Peterson, JD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Profitable Practice from Development to Implementation James (Jim) Swain, JD Founder and CEO of the Academy of VA Pension Planners Valerie Peterson, JD Executive Director of Elder Counsel

2 This Session Will Cover Knowledge and Skills Required Blueprint of a Profitable Practice Additional Legal Services

3 Skills and Knowledge Required Skills required to succeed in this area are: − Sales – ability to convince people to take actions that are in their own best interest. − Presentation – ability to talk to the public and explain complex legal and emotional issues. − Elder Law- a strong working knowledge of elder issues.

4 Income tax –a strong working knowledge of the income tax issues that apply to planning options Investments – know different types of investments and how they impact planning Networking – must be able to meet with referral sources and develop mutually beneficial relationships that generate new business Patience – working with Elderly requires more patience Skills and Knowledge Required

5 What is Different About VA Pension Planning VA Pension Planning is a great Public Relations Tool – Easy conversation subject Everyone knows someone who is a Veteran or Surviving Spouse Where else do you get people actively marketing your services? - People will make this their mission

6 Huggable Clients - They are loyal - They look for opportunities to refer business to you You have to be patient with Elder Clients -Listening skills are required -They want to tell their story Case is more urgent - Health and VA deadlines What is Different About VA Pension Planning

7 Office professional but friendly and comfortable Office Accessibility - No barriers to entry -Wheelchairs -Walkers -Bathrooms What is Different About VA Pension Planning

8 Much Easier to Discuss It is easier to talk to strangers as well as friends and associates about VA Pension than Wills/Trust/other legal services It is easier to get invited to speak to churches, civic clubs and other social groups

9 All Contacts are Prospects Every contact has multiple business opportunities - Estate planning for family -Business issues -Real estate issues -Tax issues VA Pension gives you the opportunity to tell people what else you do

10 Cross Sell Sell new services to existing clients Ask your existing clients about family and friends VA client families have a relationship with you, and are more apt to use you if they know what you do

11 You have a Competitive Advantage Price services based on their value Not selling paper or a plan - Delivering a valuable result If you see yourself as selling paper or a plan, you will be selling a Commodity Pricing Services

12 Don’t give in to quick $ You should be a partner in all planning Be careful of supporting the unauthorized practice Knowledgeable and Ethical Financial Advisors will want a Knowledgeable Attorney as part of their team. Pricing Services

13 Value Pricing Do they have a fee? Or is it an investment? What is the Value You Return for their investment? Your Knowledge and Experience allows you to create an Income Stream of $23,360 per year for life – What is this Worth?

14 Initial Meeting Do you give this away? Why? - Give credit against plan If Prospect is pre-conditioned they will expect to pay for your time If you do not value your time, how can you expect your client to value you?

15 Increase Your Profitability No free consultations with Attorney - Free consultation is phone call with screening staff member Charge for Value of Services - Same as Medicaid planning Do not sell documents to client or Senior Advisors - You must be involved in planning and get paid accordingly

16 Blue Print for a Profitable Practice What we do Why we do it How we do it

17 Swain Law Firm Attorney − Network − Referral Sources − Presentations − Client Meetings Case Manager − Free Consultation − Data Collection − Screen Prospects

18 Swain Law Firm Procedure No Free Meeting with Attorney Conference Calls require a Credit Card Payment of ½ of Fees to start, then remaining due when documents delivered Case Manager does data collection, screening and pre-condition

19 Swain Law Firm Procedure Provide Free Assistance with VA Application Hourly charge after Approval Charge Appeals or Assistance with Annual Reports

20 Swain Law Firm Marketing VA Websites Senior Networks Articles Lunch & Learns Brochures for Advisors

21 Swain Law Firm Marketing Family Friends Newsletter Articles

22 Swain Law Firm Marketing Presentations 1.Assisted Living Facilities 2.Civic Clubs 3.Churches 4.Financial Planners 5.Attorneys – Bar Associations

23 Questions ? Thank You!

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