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Trauma Surgery April 21 st - April 27 th Sihong Suy Michelle Hamel William Daner Ashley Limkemann Nathan Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "Trauma Surgery April 21 st - April 27 th Sihong Suy Michelle Hamel William Daner Ashley Limkemann Nathan Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trauma Surgery April 21 st - April 27 th Sihong Suy Michelle Hamel William Daner Ashley Limkemann Nathan Miller

2 DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 4-21Anand/CaillouetPerineal abscessIncision and drainage Anand/CaillouetAbdominal necrotizing fasciitis s/p debridment Abdominal wound washout Anand/CaillouetMVC – splenic lac/ avulsion Ex lap, splenectomy Whelan/LongAnterior abdominal wall abscess Incision and drainage 4-22Malhotra/ Hartwich Stab wound to neck and abdomen Ex lap, repair of gastrotomy, repair of cricothyroidotomy Malhotra/SuyOpen abdomen, r/o bowel ischemia Ex lap, washout, cholecystectomy and closure Malhotra/CarterFascial dehiscence s/p appendectomy Ex lap, washout and fascial closure Malhotra/ Hartwich GSW to bilateral thighs, buttock, with anal canal injury Rigid sigmoidoscopy, ex lap, diverting sigmoid colostomy OR Cases

3 DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 4-23Anand/ Limkemann Open abdomen s/p MVC and splenectomy Ex lap, washout and closure Anand/SuyIncisional herniaHerniorrhaphy with parietex mesh Ferrada/HamelIncisional herniaHerniorrhaphy with mesh Malhotra/QuinnAbdominal hemorrhage and compartment Re-entry for bleeding 4-24Anand/SuyMVC – diverting colostomy Colostomy reversal Duane/HamelLeft hemothorax s/p MCC VATS and evacuation of hemothorax Duane/HamelSymptomatic cholelithiasis Lap cholecystectomy Goldberg/SuyAbdomional free air/ peritonitis Ex lap Ferrada/HamelTracheal laceration s/p suicide attempt Neck exploration, emergent tracheostomy and washout Whelan/ Limkemann Open abdomen/ small bowel ischemia Ex lap, washout and end ileostomy OR Cases

4 DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 4-25Anand/ Limkemann Right inguinal herniaHerniorrhaphy Ferrada/SuyOpen abdomen s/p ex lap, cholecystectomy Ex lap, fascial closure Whelan/HamelFacial retained foreign body Removal of… Malhotra/ Whelan/Goode Left flail chest s/p MVCThoracotomy with fixation of rib fractures 4-26Duane/Goode/ Hamel GSW abdomenEx lap, small bowel resection Duane/HamelMVC – splenic ruptureEx lap, splenectomy Duane/TubbsOpen abdomen s/p MVCEx lap, fascial closure Ivatury/TubbsOpen abdomen s/p GSWEx lap, washout and closure OR Cases

5 DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 4-27Deal/ Dachsangvorn Sacral osteomyelitisDebridement of… Ivatury/TubbsSBO from internal hernia Ex lap, lysis of adhesive band, reduction of hernia Whelan/ Limkemann Respiratory failure/ malnutrition Tracheostomy and PEG Whelan/TubbsAcute on chronic cholecystitis Lap converted to open cholecystectomy Whelan/ Limkemann Respiratory failure/ malnutrition Tracheostomy and PEG OR Cases

6 DatePatientAtt/ResComplicationProcedure 3-23Aboutanos/CarterDeath – withdrawal of careEx lap, drainage of ascites 3-30Malhotra/SolimanPneumoniaSTSG to abdomen 4-16 Whelan/TubbsFascial dehiscenceLap converted to open appendectomy 4-22Malhotra/SuyIntra-abdominal hemorrhage Ex lap, cholecystectomy Death and Complications

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