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Nuclear power plantSpent nuclear fuel High level radioactive waste PlutoniumFast breeder reactor plutonium Reprocessing Uranium.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear power plantSpent nuclear fuel High level radioactive waste PlutoniumFast breeder reactor plutonium Reprocessing Uranium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear power plantSpent nuclear fuel High level radioactive waste PlutoniumFast breeder reactor plutonium Reprocessing Uranium

2 Nuclear power plantSpent nuclear fuel High level radioactive waste PlutoniumFast breeder reactor plutonium ? 45 tonnes Final Disposal X Uranium Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant 8 tonnes/year Reprocessing

3 Nuclear power plantSpent nuclear fuel High level radioactive waste PlutoniumFast breeder reactor plutonium ? 45 tonnes 9 1 Mix Oxide fuel (MOX) Final Disposal X Reprocessing Uranium Plutonium is recovered through spent fuel reprocessing and mixed with uranium for use in a thermal reactor. Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant 8 tonnes/year

4 Uranium Nuclear power plantSpent nuclear fuel High level radioactive waste PlutoniumFast breeder reactor plutonium ? Final Disposal X Reprocessing

5 Regional Monopoly Power generation and Power grid Pricing TEPCO DPJLDP Media Scholars METI* * Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Union Vote$ Graduate Employment $ Advertising and Sponsorship Amakudari ‘Descent from heaven’ – civil servants entering the private sector following retirement

6 Regional Monopoly Grid Gas SolarWind Nuclear Grid Power Generation The Structure of Power Companies

7 Pricing Profit (3%) Cost Overhead Maintenance Construction Wages Market Pricing

8 Feed in Tariff Independent Grid Market Mechanism Local Government Initiative Natural Energy Foundation (Mega Solar) Issues for the Future

9 Akita Prefecture $1b/year Electricity (nuclear) Akita Prefecture Local bank Wind and Solar power Renewable (Local) Consumer “Akita komachi” rice $800m/year “Akita komachi” rice $800m/year Outside Akita Prefecture

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