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Primary Science Investigation and Inquiry Ideas We will look at ways to develop scientific thinking in students through simple experiments and investigations.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Science Investigation and Inquiry Ideas We will look at ways to develop scientific thinking in students through simple experiments and investigations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Science Investigation and Inquiry Ideas We will look at ways to develop scientific thinking in students through simple experiments and investigations. Participants will be encouraged to try out experiments and identify ways to incorporate scientific thinking into their units of inquiry.

2 Welcome Sandy Elise Rachel Chris

3 What is scientific thinking? ● Knowledge seeking ● Something that everyone can do. ● Intentional coordination of theory and evidence.

4 Scientific thinking inquiry analysis inference argument

5 Scientific thinking inquiry analysis inference argument

6 Scientific thinking inquiry analysis inference argument

7 Scientific thinking inquiry analysis inference argument

8 Scientific thinking inquiry analysis inference argument

9 Observation: The plant is growing crooked? What could cause this effect? What is the most likely cause? What is your research question? How can we test this?

10 Observation: Sugar dissolves faster in the red cup than the blue cup. What could cause this effect? What is the most likely cause? What is your research question? How can you test it?

11 Any other ideas? ● One paper helicopter falls faster than another. ● Ice on black paper melts faster than on white paper. ● Bees visit purple flowers more often than blue ones. ● Carpet feels warmer than tile on a cold day.

12 A Year 7 experience Becoming a Scientist ● Series of 12 lessons ● Appropriate scientific vocabulary ● Language of learning ● Methods of measurement, research question with variables, fair testing, reliability, recording & reporting

13 Using vinegar to put out a candle. Science is magic!

14 Practical Opportunities ● Experiments/Challenges: ● Jenga Bridge Challenge ● Making a boat ● Storing and Releasing Energy ● Classifying Toys ● Paper rockets ● Walking Water

15 Practical Opportunities ● Investigations: ● Clean water ● Toothpaste and sugary drinks

16 Units of Inquiry In school groups, how effectively do you build in scientific thinking? How could you incorporate scientific thinking into your UoIs?

17 Ideas: Who We Are – Individual and group action makes a difference to how societies uphold human rights. How can a community provide access to clean water? Science of filtration and distillation. Where We Are in Place and Time – Human motivation to explore often brings about consequences for others. NASA, GPS, invasive plant species, telescopes and periscopes.

18 Resources ● ● ● primary-teaching-resources/ primary-teaching-resources/ ● ● ● ence/ ence/ ● rimaryscience rimaryscience

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