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Hinduism. Started in India One of the oldest religions in the world No known founder and no formal church More of a system of living than set of beliefs.

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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism. Started in India One of the oldest religions in the world No known founder and no formal church More of a system of living than set of beliefs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism

2 Started in India One of the oldest religions in the world No known founder and no formal church More of a system of living than set of beliefs Believe in many gods that are all part of one spirit There is no one bible or sacred text

3 How Hinduism Developed The Vedas, Upanishads, and Vedic Texts were the basis of Indian religion for years. After awhile, these ideas blended with other cultures. What was created was Hinduism.

4 Common Beliefs Common beliefs among the different branches: –concept of dharma – a kind of duty or fate in society –karma- a tallying of good and evil actions by an individual that determines status in society –reincarnation- existence continues through time (endless cycle of birth, life, and death)

5 Everyone has a soul (atman) Holds a person’s personality – the qualities that make a person Ultimate goal -> reunite soul with Brahman Believe souls will join Brahman because world is an illusion Can take several lifetimes to achieve this Souls are born and reborn - reincarnation

6 Brahman Hindus believe in many gods (Polytheism---belief in many gods) Brahma the Creator – 4 faces symbolize the four Vedas Siva the Destroyer – 4 arms and 3 eyes Vishnu the Preserver – conch shell, a mace and discus – symbols of power and greatness –All are a part of universal spirit called Brahman –Everything in the world is part of Brahman

7 Hinduism & Caste System A person’s karma determines what physical form the person is reborn into Karma – effect good and bad actions have on a person’s life (a tallying of actions) Dharma – duty or fate – must accept your place in the world Hinduism teaches one must obey one’s dharma Taught that people should accept place in society Reward for those who had lived good lives – reborn in a higher caste

8 Caste system –Social group based on birth –According to Hindu beliefs your caste is determined by your karma in a previous life. Eventually evolved into 3000 groups –There are 4 main classes (varnas) Your caste impacted all aspects of your life Must stay with your caste system or you would be thrown out of your caste system –Each caste established rules, customs, and values Declared illegal but still exists in certain areas of India

9 –There are 4 main classes (varnas) Brahmins – priests, spiritual & intellectual leaders of the society Kshatriyas - Rulers, warriors, & nobles Vaisyas -Farmers, merchants, or traders Sudras - Laborers & servants BELOW THE CASTE SYSTEM – Not considered part of system –Untouchables – Considered unclean and not part of society

10 Hindu Beliefs Unlike any other world religion because it has no single founder. Hindus believe in many gods and goddesses, but only believe in one single spirit.

11 Hindu Beliefs Hindus believe that all gods and goddesses are part of one big spirit whose name is Brahman. These gods, along with all life, are all a part of Brahman.

12 Life and Rebirth Hindu beliefs state that everyone has a soul, or atman. Your soul holds everything that makes you who you are. The goal of Hindus is to reunite their soul with Brahman.

13 Life and Rebirth Believe that souls will join Brahman because the world is only an illusion– Brahman is the only reality. Has to live life a few times to see through the illusion.

14 Life and Rebirth Reincarnation: A soul is born and reborn many times to see the world for the illusion it really is.

15 Hinduism and the Caste System When a person is reborn, they will become something good or bad, according to his or her Karma. Karma: The effects that good or bad actions have on a person’s soul.

16 Hinduism and the Caste System People with bad karma could wind up back on Earth as a pig or ant. People with good karma could be born again into a higher caste system.

17 Hinduism and the Caste System Good karma can eventually bring freedom from having to keep being reborn. This is called Moksha. Every Hindu must accept their place in the world. This is called accepting one’s dharma.

18 Hinduism Today… The majority of Hindus live in India.

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