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Religions of South East Asia 1.Hinduism 2.Buddhism 3.Confucianism 4.Taoism 5.Shinto.

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Presentation on theme: "Religions of South East Asia 1.Hinduism 2.Buddhism 3.Confucianism 4.Taoism 5.Shinto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religions of South East Asia 1.Hinduism 2.Buddhism 3.Confucianism 4.Taoism 5.Shinto

2 ReligionTeachings of:Beliefs:Country began in: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

3 Hinduism Teachings Of: Vedas- Books of knowledge that are basis of Hinduism Beliefs: Dharma-the duty to “do right” Karma- actions determine what happens after death Reincarnation – the cycle of rebirth Caste System – an inherited social class Country of Origin: India


5 Buddhism Teachings Of: Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) Beliefs: 1. Reincarnation based on A. 4 Noble Truths: 1)life is suffering, 2) the cause of suffering is illusion and desire, 3) suffering should be ended and 4) suffering can be ended by following the 8 fold path B. The 8 Fold Path: 1) know the truth 2) resist evil, 3) say nothing to hurt others 4) respect life, morality and property 5) holding a job that does no harm 6) think only good thoughts 7) controlling thoughts and feelings 8)meditate 2. Nirvana-the end of reincarnation Country of Origin: India but spread to E and SE Asia


7 3/23 Bellwork Get your journal and add Unit 9-Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism-Page ? We will begin once the bell rings

8 Confucianism Teachings Of: Confucius (Kongfuzi) Beliefs: Moral character & responsibility for society Country of Origin: China


10 Taoism Teachings Of: Lao Tzu Beliefs: To find harmony with the Tao or nature Country of Origin: China


12 Shinto Teachings Of: Way of the gods Beliefs: Kami lives in all objects and forces of nature Country of Origin: Japan


14 Asian Religions Quiz 1.Karma dictates your next life 2. Based on the 4 Noble Truths 3. Stresses moral character and responsibility 4. Harmony in Nature 5. Ancient Japanese religion A. Shinto B. Buddhism C. Confucianism D. Taoism E. Hinduism

15 True or False 6. Shinto was started in Japan 7. Confucianism was started in India 8. Siddhārtha Gautama is the founder of Taoism 9. The Vedas are the books of knowledge that are basis of Hinduism 10. Hinduism began in India

16 RELIGIONTEACHINGS OF:BELIEFS:BEGAN IN: HinduismVedas- Books of knowledge that are basis of Hinduism Dharma-the duty to “do right” Karma-actions determine what happens after death Reincarnation – the cycle of rebirth Caste System – an inherited social class India BuddhismGautama-Founder1. Reincarnation based on 2. 4 Noble Truths: 1)life is suffering, 2) the cause of suffering is illusion and desire, 3) suffering should be ended and 4) suffering can be eliminated by following the 8 fold path 3. The 8 Fold Path: 1) know the truth 2) resist evil, 3) say nothing to hurt others 4) respect life, morality and property 5) holding a job that does no harm 6) think only good thoughts 7) controlling thoughts and feelings 8) meditate India but spread to E and SE Asia

17 RELIGIONTEACHINGS OF:BELIEFS: COUNTRY BEGAN IN: Confucianism ( more philosophy than religion) Confucious (Kongfuzi) Moral character & responsibility for society China Taoism ( more philosophy than religion) Lao TzuTao te ching to find harmony with the Tao or nature China ShintoWay of the GodsKami lives in all objects and forces of nature Japan

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