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What do you notice about this pattern?. How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you notice about this pattern?. How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you notice about this pattern?

2 How can you compare/contrast with the previous image?

3 What do you notice? Similarities/differences from previous pictures?

4 What parallels can be drawn between this graphic art (Celtic and Norse) and Beowulf ?

5  Based on the work of John Leyerle, University of Toronto  Beowulf shifts rapidly in terms of place, time with little concern for chronological order  Composed at a time when great value placed on interlacing design, complexity of which has not been reached since

6  Seen in variety of places: jewelry, metal and stone work, calligraphy, other forms of decoration (ships, etc.)  Ribbons of interlace appear both in knots, etc. and zoomorphs (animal forms like the brooch)  The tighter the ribbons, the harder it is to follow an individual strand  High level of skill and intricacy dispels, in part, the idea of Anglo-Saxons being ignorant and crude

7  Variation of two or more subjects = stylistic interlace  Examples of interlace:  Hygelac’s Frisian expedition comes in four parts  Lines 1202-14, 2501-9, 2501-9, and 2913-21  Interlacing allows for a juxtaposition not possible with linear narrative  Beowulf’s gift of golden torque connected to its later loss when Hygelac killed  Beowulf’s preparation to face dragon connected to Hygelac’s Frisian adventure  Hygelac’s death seeking treasure parallel’s Beowulf’s death with dragon

8  Only two episodes told in chronological order: killing of Grendel and his mother, and the fighting of dragon  Narrative intersected by other stories which provide a different perspective  As Beowulf prepares to fight dragon, continues allusions to Swedish wars, illustrating the full consequences of Beowulf’s actions  Human threat far more menacing than the dragon  Interlacing allows for connection to circular nature of time, reoccurrence of human actions all told through a circular medium

9  Fighting monsters  Beowulf fights the water monsters when swimming against Braca/battles Grendel’s mother in the water  Unferð (mar-peace) issues insult against Beowulf, he responds by saying Unferð killed his own brother connecting him to Cain, Grendel  Hospitality  Grendel breaks hospitality of Heorot/ Freawaru’s marriage to Ingeld results in the erupting of a feud and Heorot is burned

10  Gold  Leaders give gold to their retainers for their continued allegiance/ monsters like Grendel, the dragon hoard treasure  Beowulf does not take treasure from Grendel’s cave –there for revenge/ Hygelac and Beowulf are later destroyed by treasure (Frisians/dragon)  Funerals  Poem begins and ends with death of leaders, bringing it full circle

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