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PSYCHOSEXUAL THEORY Development of the personality through stages.

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2 PSYCHOSEXUAL THEORY Development of the personality through stages.

3 Oral Stage (0 - 1 1/2 years) zAll gratification through mouth. zWeaned too early or late will develop personality problems. zDependency or rejection of others zFixation: smoking,eating,chewing, talking.

4 Anal Stage (2 - 3 year old) zIssue is control through Toilet training. zChild view = Giving the gift zDirty vs. Lavish Praise zStingy or Overly Generous zRigid rules or Irresponsible & Rebellious zFixation = Orderliness (Anal Retentive)

5 Phallic Stage (3rd to 5th year) zFocus is on the genital areas y(Boys vs. Girls) zOedipal Complex: Parents seen as threats. zCastration Anxiety zPenis Envy zWide range of psychological disorders through failure to resolve this conflict, (unreasonable anxiety, phobias, & depression)

6 Latency Stage (5th to Puberty) zSexual Desires pushed into background. yCooties!

7 Genital Stage (Puberty +) zLibidinal energy returns to the sexual organs. z Seek marriage partner, prepare for adult life.

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