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FAMILY – Two or more people who have chosen to live together who share their resources, interests and roles. Family Development Stages.

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Presentation on theme: "FAMILY – Two or more people who have chosen to live together who share their resources, interests and roles. Family Development Stages."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAMILY – Two or more people who have chosen to live together who share their resources, interests and roles. Family Development Stages

2 Functions of a Family Physical Maintenance Protection Nurturance Socialization and Education Reproduction Recreation

3 Protection / Discipline KY No. 1 in abuse /??????? 0-2 years Eliminate temptation, Supervise, Redirect, Calmly say “NO”, Use time-out 3-5 Connect action with consequence, Don’t threaten, Follow through with discipline, Use time, Reward good behavior, Model good behavior 6-8 Relate action and consequences, Use time-out, Be realistic, Be flexible, Offer choices not threats 9-12 Emphasize consequences of actions, Use humor to settle conflicts, Use role reversal to illustrate desired consequences 13 - Establish clear cut rules, Keep lines of communication open, Be realistic, Be available and supportive, Listen

4 Nurturance - Loving Care Just as infants need soft touch, cuddling and the sound of the caregivers voice as the child grows they need limits set on their behavior. The need for love continues through out the life. If the family unit breaks down; other support systems are needed.

5 Family Types 1. Nuclear – conjugal (husband/wife with or without children) 2. Extended (grandparents,…) 3. Single parent 4. Blended (step children) 5. Communal (with mates and children) 6. Foster or adoptive 7. Lesbian or gay

6 Making Families Work Share and value history and memories Encourage respect for individual differences Give everyone a place for belongings Avoid taking sides Avoid negative comments about absent parents Be sensitive if differences in surnames

7 Family Stages Couple Stage Childbearing Stage Grown-Child Stage Older-family Stage

8 Healthy Relationship 1. Clarify roles, but maintain self-identity 2. Permit autonomy, but maintain intimacy 3. Value time for privacy 4. Recognize and seek outside support during periods of stress 5. Tighten family bonds in times of stress 6. Respect partners worth 7. Handle conflict with open communication 8. Maintain a sense of humor 9. Satisfy your mate’s needs for security and safety 10. Demonstrate caring while maintaining a romantic outlook 11. Be open and tolerant to mate’s point of view 12. Take time to have fun and share with each other

9 Health Promotion Influences What does your family do to be healthy? Communication? Diet / Meals together? Play and recreation? Smoking? Alcohol? Drugs? MD visits? Immunizations?

10 Developmental Theories Growth refers to an increase in physical size. It can be measured quantitatively; inches, feet and pounds. Development the progressive acquisition of skills and the capacity to function. It is measured qualitatively; questions.

11 Names You Will Hear Erick Erickson – Psychosocial theory Jean Piaget – Cognitive theory Lawrence Kohlburg –Moral development Robert Havighurst – Social development Sigmund Freud – Psychosexual Abraham Maslow – Hierarchy of Needs

12 What Happens When Things Go **&*&&$##(&# AdaptiveMaladaptive Rationalization Identification Sublimation Regression Denial Projection Displacement

13 What Happens When Things Go **&*&&$##(&# AdaptiveMaladaptive Compensation Undoing Reaction Formation Conversion Suppression Repression

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