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Secretary/Treasurer’s Report AASHTO Annual Meeting 2011 Detroit, Michigan October 15, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Secretary/Treasurer’s Report AASHTO Annual Meeting 2011 Detroit, Michigan October 15, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report AASHTO Annual Meeting 2011 Detroit, Michigan October 15, 2011

2 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report  Agenda  Fiscal Year 2011 Financial Status  Fiscal Year 2012 to date  Discussion  Sponsorship Highlights  Special Assessment to Support Reauthorization

3 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report  Highlights from fiscal year 2011 results  The auditors completed field work on September 28, 2011. The preliminary result shows that they will render an unqualified (clean) opinion.  Overall: We ended the fiscal year in the black. We had a net income over expense of $1.95 million in technical services and AASHTOWare programs. The operating account finished the year $22 thousand above estimated income excluding the computer capitalization transfer.  The auditors final report will be available later this year. We will submit the report to the Executive Committee and offer a conference call to discuss details.

4 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report  The Operating Account  Investment income for the year was $2.76 million, substantially above estimated income budget amount.  The value of investment increased by $3.08 million or 9% percent over the last fiscal year.  Pension liability has decreased: from $12.2 million in FY 2010 to $5. 8 in FY 2011. This substantial change is due to valuation increase for investments and major changes in the pension plan as well as pay changes.

5 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report  Fiscal Year 2012 to date  The overall position for operations, technical services and AASHTOWare remains well within the budget.  First quarter investment income was $623 thousand on target with the budget, although we have seen a decline in valuation by $2.96 million.

6 SPONSORSHIP HIGHLIGHTS FY 2010 Revenue Annual MeetingSpring MeetingLegislative Briefing Meeting Registration208,180133,55458,925 Trade Fair150,950 Sponsorship256,000189,500111,650 AttendeesCurrent average registration fee Registration fee without sponsorship Annual Meeting302$689$1,537 Spring Meeting214$624$1,510 Legislative Briefing137$430$1,245 FY 2011 Revenue Annual MeetingSpring MeetingLegislative Briefing Meeting Registration305,614138,70370,783 Trade Fair144,600 Sponsorship314,955213,42664,655 AttendeesCurrent average registration fee Registration fee without sponsorship Annual Meeting370$826$1,677 Spring Meeting321$432$1,097 Legislative Briefing181$391$748

7 Funding at Current Rate  We expect reauthorization to continue for the foreseeable future.  We have a need to continue to finance a series of activities in support of reauthorization.  Continue the dues amount at the same level as the last three years.

8 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report  Questions?

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