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COSMO – 09/2007 STC Report and Presentation by Cosmo Partners DWD, MCH, USAM / ARPA SIM, HNMS, IMGW, NMA, HMC.

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Presentation on theme: "COSMO – 09/2007 STC Report and Presentation by Cosmo Partners DWD, MCH, USAM / ARPA SIM, HNMS, IMGW, NMA, HMC."— Presentation transcript:

1 COSMO – 09/2007 STC Report and Presentation by Cosmo Partners DWD, MCH, USAM / ARPA SIM, HNMS, IMGW, NMA, HMC

2 COSMO – 09/2007 Tornados in Poland

3 COSMO – 09/2007 Tornados in France

4 COSMO – 09/2007 STC-ReportSTC-Report EUMETNET-SRNWP  COSMO will contribute to the Interoperability Project  MCH and DWD will participate for COSMO with the following deliverables:  D1: A report documenting the standard output format  D2: A Documentation describing the requirements and specification for the adaptor software (software tools for conversion between different data formats and model grids;  D3: 2-way adaptors that transform the output from COSMO to the standard output format and vice versa.  D4: Enhancements to existing software tools that enable COSMO to process data from the four Global Model  MCH the only country to join the Verification project

5 COSMO – 09/2007 STC-Report Reporting and planning cycle  Has been introduced during the last COSMO year  Not all reports and planning documents available in time  We have to do better  But: Planing will be revised and shifted by 2 months  Room for optimization  Marco to report on that later Priority Tasks have been introduced  Consolidation of cumulus convection scheme (former UTCS (v))  Consolidation/unification of diagnostic postprocessing

6 COSMO – 09/2007 Priority Projects  Kenda  Finally staffing for permanent post at DWD successful  UTCS  Resource problems seem to be sorted out  Additional contributions from HMC, MCH, HNMS and DWD 4 new priority projects have been approved  COLOBOC: Consolidaion of lower boundary conditions  CONSENS: Consolidation of COSMO-Ensemble  BUs needed to run LEPS and SREPS will be provided by COSMO-partners that are members of ECMWF  Sat-Cloud: Assimilation of Satellite Data with Clouds and Over Land  Versus 2  Split into 2 phases  USAM will provide resources to compensate for Angela Celozzis matarnity leave  CDC Conservative dynamical core  New expert team on dynamics set-up at IMGW  Need to proceed in 2 branches  Further refinement of planning needed STC-Report

7 COSMO – 09/2007 Next meeting: Offenbach 16.-20. September 2009 DWD’s new building STC-Report

8 COSMO – 09/2007 Presentations on Status and Plans of COSMO-Partners  DWD  MCH  USAM / ARPA-SIM  HNMS  IMGW  NMA  HMC STC-Report

9 COSMO – 09/2007 Titel Focus on short range and very short range forecasts Leading role in modelling and data assimilation on the convection permitting scale The NWP system should lead to  A measurable decline in erroneous predictions  An enhanced forecasts of “high impact” weather  A valuation of the reliability of the forecasts This results in  Local scale ensemble forecasting system  Global forecasting system that must be expanded into an ensemble prediction system providing the necessary BCs on the regional scale  Maximum use of remote sensing data Deutscher Wetterdienst Strategy

10 COSMO – 09/2007 Cooperation with Academia  Strategy calls for a close co-operation with universities and research institutes  Extramural research  Application-based research supported directly by DWD  Proposals must be related to operational weather forecasting  Ertl Center for Atmosphere and Climate Research  Initial phase (first 4-12 years) funded by Ministry of Transport  Will support several groups of researchers to establish competence clusters  Topics  Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Predictability  Data Assimilation  Model Development  Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics  Optimal usage of Information from Weather Forecasting and climate simulation (Societal and Economic Applications Research) Deutscher Wetterdienst Strategy

11 COSMO – 09/2007 New diagnostics for 2m-Temperature (EU+DE), Enhanced Tiedtke cumulus convection scheme (EU), Tuning of turbulence scheme (DE), 2-timelevel Runge-Kutta dynamics(EU), Work on SSO scheme for (EU) A lot of work done in the context of the new super-computer system  IBM -> NEC, move from BUFR-input to NetCDF, new observational database Sky Deutscher Wetterdienst Achievements over the last COSMO year 3D-VAR was finally made operational yesterday!

12 COSMO – 09/2007 GME  Runs at 00, 06, 12, and 18 UTC up to 168 h  40 km, 368642*40 levels COSMO-EU  Runs at 00, 06, 12, and 18 UTC up to 78 h  7km, 665*657 * 40 levels COSMO-DE  Runs at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21 UTC up to 21h  2,8 km, 421*461 * 50 levels Status of the NWP-system Deutscher Wetterdienst Status of the NWP-system

13 COSMO – 09/2007 Mid 2009: GME 20km, 60 levels Hybrid data assimilation scheme for GME and ICON  3D-Var and LETKF  Late 2009 integration in GME  2011 introduction of LETKF in ICON COSMO-DE-Ensemble  Same configuration as deterministic model  Pre-operational 2009, 20 members  Operational 2011, 40 members ICON  Non-hydrostatic, triangular mesh  Operational 2011  Will replace GME and COSMO-EU New Supercomputer@DWD  3 TFlop front-end  Q1 2009 NEC SX9: 30*LMRAPS within 1400” in parallel  Q3 2010 NEC SX9: 90*LMRAPS within 1400” in parallel Deutscher Wetterdienst Future Development of the NWP system

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