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Permanent Teachers’ Training In Castilla-La Mancha.

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Presentation on theme: "Permanent Teachers’ Training In Castilla-La Mancha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Permanent Teachers’ Training In Castilla-La Mancha

2 General Educative Objectives ► To provide enough State Education. ► To give right answer to the pupils diversity, compensating inequalities ► To take special care of rural schools. ► To develop a model of teaching based on pupils, building their own knowledge. ► To recognize interculturality phenomenon. ► To use new tools for information and comunication. (ICT) ► To use schools evaluation to promote their own autonomy. ► To develop professional competences to improve procecces of training, investigation and innovation finding places and time to coordinate in an internal and external way.

3 Permanent teachers’ training What is it and what is it for? ► All the actions dealing with improving better scientific, didactic and professional practice in teaching. ► To improve better pratice in schools. ► To contribute for a democratic society

4 Basic Lines of the training model ► Training actions to improve teaching practice, cooperative work and interchange of experiencies. ► Based on the Educative Project of the centres (schools). ► Professional qualification through investigating and analysing own practice in a colaborative way ► Evaluation, training, innovation and advising in the same process for the personal and institutional improvement ► Planning according to the teachers’ needs taking into account the educative system ► Training offered to the whole educative comunity

5 Training Regional Plan (TRP): contents ► I. Processes to provide personalized education ► II. Bring up to date proffesional competences ► III. Develop personal competences ► IV. Develop effectiveness of schools

6 TRP 2003-2004 I. Training Net: ► 26.000 teachers ► 32 CPR ( In-service Teacher Training Centres) ► 213 advisors ► 2430 training actions ► 35.593 teachers participating

7 II. Teachers participation

8 ► 722 courses ► 938 seminars ► 565 workshops ► 92 innovation projects ► 113 others III. Types of training activities

9 ► 817 ICT activities ► 445 Scientific and didactic bringing -up -to – date activities ► 230 Dealing with Diversity in education activities. IV. TOPICS

10 Agreements for training ► I. University: ► Castilla-La Mancha University; Alcalá University and Open University ► Contents: ► Training; Investigation between university departments an schools; tutorial for university students practising in schools; school teachers colaborating and teaching in university; certificates for teaching.

11 ► II. Trade Unions and others ► 10 in the region. ► Colaborating in more than 800 activities (200 paid by the council).

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