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CSR and customer loyalty: The roles of trust, customer identification with the company and satisfaction Ma2m0209 林怡辰.

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Presentation on theme: "CSR and customer loyalty: The roles of trust, customer identification with the company and satisfaction Ma2m0209 林怡辰."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSR and customer loyalty: The roles of trust, customer identification with the company and satisfaction Ma2m0209 林怡辰

2 Abstract  Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a crucial construct in hospitality companies.  This paper presents a model of influence of CSR on hotel customer loyalty including trust, customer identification with the company and satisfaction as mediators by showing the direct and indirect effects among these constructs.

3 Research model and development of hypotheses  Consumer trust H1: Customer trust will positively influence on customer loyalty.  Customer identification with the company H2: C-C identification will positively influence on customer loyalty.  Customer satisfaction H3: Customer satisfaction will positively influence on customer loyalty.

4  Influence of CSR associations on C-C identification, trust and satisfaction H4: CSR associations will have a positive direct effect on C-C identification.  CSR associations and customer trust H5: CSR associations will positively influence on customer trust.  CSR associations and customer satisfaction H6: CSR associations will positively influence on customer satisfaction. Research model and development of hypotheses

5  Identificationand satisfaction H7: C-C identification will positively influence on customer satisfaction.  Identification and trust H8: Customer trust will positively influence on C-C identification.  Trust and satisfaction H9: Customer trust will positively influence on customer satisfaction. Research model and development of hypotheses

6 Conceptual Model

7 Methods  Data collection and sample  non-probability sampling (Trespalacios et al., 2005)  multistage sampling by quotas :  Sax and age  During the period April 4–25, 2011  400 questionnaires, 382 usable questionnaires were returned

8 Methods  Measures  7-point Likert scales  Before the main study, the questionnaire was assessed for content validity from two scholars and sixteen postgraduate students who specializes in hospitality and tourism.

9 Results

10 >0.7 平均變異數萃取量 >0.5 適配指標 >0.9 >0.08 λ >0.5

11 Results 鑑別效度分析

12 Results 結構方程式模式 標準化係數

13 Testing for mediation 完全中介 部分中介

14 Structural model estimation

15 Managerial implications  Although most of our hypotheses are supported, this study has a few limitations that present opportunities for further research.  Test sample only from Spain.  There are other antecedents of customer loyalty such as perceived quality, perceived value and complaint.


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