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Presentation on theme: "1 PROGRESS REPORT ON RECAPITALISATION FET COLLEGES DATE : 21 JUNE 2006."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 OVERVIEW Recapitalisation funds Progress Plans for current financial year Challenges / Successes Conclusion

3 3 FET COLLEGES RECAPITALISTION GRANT College2006/07 Allocation R’000 Flavius Mareka6,000 Goldfields10,000 Maluti5,000 Motheo9,000 Total30,000

4 4 EXPENDITURE PLANNED FOR 2006/07 CollegeHuman Resources Develop- ment Develop- ment and Purchasing of buildings Systems + procedures Upgrading alteration of buildings Upgrading of sites Purchasing of equipment Preparation to develop curriculum GoldfieldsR300,000R320,000R500,000R2,330.000R260,000R5 765,500R155,650 MotheoR1,000,000R560,000R500,000R4,660,000R0R1 880,000R400,000 Flavius Mareka R300,000R1,355,000R500,000R3,000,000R845,000R0 MalutiR600,000R0R500,000R1,200,000 R920,000R580,000 TOTAL R2,200,000R2,235,000R2,000,000R11,190,000R2,305,000R8,565,500R1,135,650

5 5 LEARNER ENROLMENT (1 ST INTAKE 2006) COLLEGEHEAD COUNTFTE Goldfields 2 4841256.43 Motheo 7 6942258.782 Flavius Mareka 3 325951.347 Maluti 4 2002346.13 TOTAL 17 7036812.689

6 6 FET COLLEGES BUSINESS PLANNING PROCESS The allocation of funds is based on the following set of criteria: The approved Colleges’ Recapitalisation Business plans for three years were informed by the Individual Operation plan of each FET College. The approved one year Operational Plan for each FET College clearly demonstrates how the allocated funds will be utilised. Submission of the annual audited financial statements by the individual FET Colleges. Demonstration of their participation as Colleges in major infrastructure developments in the Province. Significant strategic focus on Free State Growth and Development Strategy. An illustration of growth in enrolment at FET Colleges with regard to youth development.

7 7 PROGRESS The project teams for the recapitalisation project have been established and report monthly as per the dictates of the reporting templates. Procurement policies have been re-aligned according to national policy and adopted by the College Councils.

8 8 PROGRESS (continue) Equipment lists have been compiled to ensure that all specifications adhere to the specific standards. The Department of Education indicated that the training of lecturers, who will be involved in the new NQF programmes, will be trained during the period August to October 2006. Staff members have been identified to offer the new programmes.

9 9 PLANS FOR CURRENT FINANCIAL YEAR The areas that will be addressed in the operational plan are: Reskilling staff to offer responsive programmes Upgrading physical infrastructure of FET College Providing relevant equipment to support programme delivery and enhance skills development Providing support for development of relevant programmes Establishing student support units Establishing connectivity of 50 FET Colleges to improve communication, information management and curriculum delivery

10 10 CHALLENGES The Recapitalisation Funds were transferred to the bank accounts of FET Colleges on 15 June 2006. Separate banking accounts have been opened by each College for this specific purpose. A two day planning workshop was held at the end of May 2006 to ensure timeous achieving of objectives during the year. Operational plans have been adjusted to ensure that the backlog of two months is addressed. Implement ASGISA and JIPSA into the FET Recapitalisation programme by means of performance targets. The 2006/07 equitable share was reduced after the FET Recapitalisation conditional grant was received.

11 11 CHALLENGES (Continue) The availability of study material before the re- opening of Colleges in January 2007. Additional staff members will have to be appointed to enable the FET Colleges to offer the new NQF programmes, as well as the NATED programmes. The Engineering Field of Study will be problematic, as the existing programmes run for a trimester, and the new programmes will be year programmes.

12 12 CHALLENGES (Continue) The procurement processes could hamper the progress if it cannot be finalised within the given time-frame. Shortage of financial staff at FET Colleges are problematic as current staff are overloaded with additional responsibilities. The four FET Colleges are in the process to develop revised business plans to accommodate the transfer delay.

13 13 SUCCESSES Open days at the 4 FET Colleges were held during the month of May/June 2006. The Public was informed about the FET Recapitalisation plans and programmes offered etc. Open days were held as follows:  Goldfields FET8 June 2006  Maluti FET6 June 2006  Flavius Mareka FET25 May 2006  Motheo FET22 May 2006

14 14 Programmes offered Business Studies (Management Assistant, Public Relations) Management Studies (Financial, Business, Human Resources, Marketing and Public Management) Secondary Commercial Studies: N2/NIC, N3/NSC Grade 12

15 15 Programmes offered Art and Design Clothing Production Educare Hair Care and Cosmetology Hospitality and Catering Services

16 16 Programmes offered Engineering (Electrical: Heavy and Light current, Mechanical, Motor, Metal and Civil engineering) Practical Training in SETA accredited workshops Learnerships and Skills Training

17 17 Learnerships Offered Local Economic Development Community Development Workers Wholesale & Retail Generalists Air conditioning, Refrigeration & Ventilation Mechanical Engineering: Fitting & Machining Furniture Production: Wood, Machining & Cabinet Making

18 18 CONCLUSION A conditional grant provincial evaluation team has been established, comprising of 7 members. The key focus area for 2006/07 is the effective functuality of the task team and monitoring of the achievement of the objectives as per approved Business plans. A dedicated Management Accountant has been appointed for this conditional grant to:  ensure compliance,  monitoring of implementation against the approved College operational plan,  reporting requirements are strictly adhered to, and  quarterly on-site visits to Colleges to assess implementation.



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