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The Great Gatsby Literary Notes. Ch. 3-4 Plot diagram? Plot diagram? Note use of present tense on p. 40-41– why does Fitzgerald do this? Note use of present.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Gatsby Literary Notes. Ch. 3-4 Plot diagram? Plot diagram? Note use of present tense on p. 40-41– why does Fitzgerald do this? Note use of present."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Gatsby Literary Notes

2 Ch. 3-4 Plot diagram? Plot diagram? Note use of present tense on p. 40-41– why does Fitzgerald do this? Note use of present tense on p. 40-41– why does Fitzgerald do this? First real meeting of Gatsby – what do we learn through rumor & his own words/actions? First real meeting of Gatsby – what do we learn through rumor & his own words/actions? Development of Jordan – what kind of person is she? Development of Jordan – what kind of person is she? p. 59– Nick says he’s one of the “few honest people I have ever known.” How true is this? p. 59– Nick says he’s one of the “few honest people I have ever known.” How true is this?

3 Ch 5-6 Preview Plot diagram Plot diagram Nick does a favor for Gatsby – what is it? How does Gatsby try to repay Nick? Nick does a favor for Gatsby – what is it? How does Gatsby try to repay Nick? How does weather reflect mood in this section? How does weather reflect mood in this section? What do we learn about Gatsby’s background? What do we learn about Gatsby’s background? In what impossible idea does Gatsby express complete faith? In what impossible idea does Gatsby express complete faith?

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