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Hand in homework… (Multiple Choice questions, three original moments that reveal character, an explanation of conflict, and a plot diagram mapping out.

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Presentation on theme: "Hand in homework… (Multiple Choice questions, three original moments that reveal character, an explanation of conflict, and a plot diagram mapping out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hand in homework… (Multiple Choice questions, three original moments that reveal character, an explanation of conflict, and a plot diagram mapping out your continuation) Then, take out paper, something to lean on (binder/notebook/folder), and something to write with

2 Outdoors Free Writing When we go outside, we will write continuously for fifteen minutes The only rules are: stay together, don’t distract one another, and write continuously. If someone is trying to distract you, gently and quietly turn away from them and continue writing. Use the environment as inspiration. Maybe you will write about fall and the changing weather. Or just write about anything else that comes to mind and inspires you! After we write, everyone will choose two consecutive lines to share with classmates. The only feedback we will give are smiles and “Thanks for sharing.”

3 Narrative Task: Try it on your own! You will receive the passage and question today Your final draft is due one week from today, 10/2 This will count as our first major assessment grade I will be available for editing during class Mon-Thurs next week or before/after school/during lunch (just ask me ahead of time!)

4 Rubric (10-15 pts each) At least 2 pages in length? Maintains character’s personality? Addresses main conflict and continues/resolves it? Follows prompt explicitly? Story contains rising action, an exciting climax, and brief falling action? Neatness (grammar, editing, typed in MLA format)? “Showing” rather than “telling?” Properly-formatted and purposeful dialogue? Overall, effort and creativity?

5 Find a peer to edit with Fill out your revise/edit sheet with your own comments as well as at least one classmate’s comments (*peer editors, make sure you write your name on your partner’s sheet) In addition to comments on the revise/edit sheet, I should see corrections and revisions directly on your rough draft. (cross-outs, arrows, stars, scribbles, question marks, etc.) The entire continuation (recommended around two pages) with visible corrections and the revise/edit sheet are both due Monday, 9/28

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