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Leading by Example! Doing Your Part. What does your calendar look like? Our system for success is 6,8,10 presentations per month If you don’t have at.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading by Example! Doing Your Part. What does your calendar look like? Our system for success is 6,8,10 presentations per month If you don’t have at."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading by Example! Doing Your Part

2 What does your calendar look like? Our system for success is 6,8,10 presentations per month If you don’t have at least 6 presentations on your calendar, what are the reasons why? What is holding you back? What are you afraid of? If you want your team to do their part, you have to do yours as well! The best way for them to learn is by watching YOU! Struggling getting bookings – let’s talk! I’m here to help you. Your next ENVP is out there. There are people at home right now desperate for you to call them! If you stop duplicating – IT STOPS!!

3 Evaluate your team Are they creating momentum? You 10 personal DM - 14 Consultant 3-4 Consultant 2-3 DM - 2 Consultant 8

4 What is your attitude? Do you have an attitude of belief & expectancy? “Positive expectancy is a belief that problems are solvable, success is inevitable, and the effort required to build a successful Arbonne business is worthwhile”. This is the greatest quality you can model to your team. Are you filling the air around you with hope & optimism or are you filling it with “stinkin thinkin”? This business is all in your head! If your tendency is to view the world as a negative place where the sky is falling, be aware that this attitude kills optimism and momentum

5 What is your attitude? (cont.) Learn to manage your frustrations! Surround yourself with people with vision & belief. Your team will occasionally grow weary of waiting for their dreams to become reality. They will draw strength from the clarity of your vision and the confidence you portray! Your belief will be the only thing that keeps them going at times. “Effective leaders don’t poison the seedbed of hope that produces dreams, diligence, and success. They fertilize it with a vital component of effective leadership… positive expectancy.” Tom Barrett “Facing the Giants” Clip

6 Are you giving hope or hype? You want to model positive expectancy and hope and this is different from giving false expectations! If we tell people that this business is easy and they will be a RVP in 90 days – we are setting them up for failure! Let them know that it is hard work, they will experience “no’s”, they won’t make any money in the beginning, but if they work it consistently & follow the system – they will be a ENVP!

7 Are you using your time wisely? How much time are you spending with your downline? Give the best moments of your time to those who have the greatest desire for success and who are the most hungry and teachable. Stick with new consultants for 90 days like glue! Do 3-4 presentations with them and then from there guide them with support and encouragement! Make sure that your calendar remains full with your personal activity. You are to give people business support, not become their life support. Don’t enable, but empower!

8 Are you coachable? Are you coachable & teaching your team to be coachable? Learn to be coachable & learn to give your power away. Avoid being a control freak – reluctant to let anyone else manage something because he or she may not do it as good as you. The more you are willing to be coached by your upline, the better leader you will become. The more you groom others for leadership, the more quickly your organization will grow & take on a life of its own. Leadership is not the place to have your needs met. It is a place where you focus on the needs of those around you.

9 Are you modeling secure leadership? Learn to speak with authority, conviction, and enthusiasm! Secure leaders learn to do this while also speaking with respect for others. Secure leaders don’t “shame”. Sandwich method.

10 Are you focused & consistent? Don’t forget that if you are going to ask your team to be focused & consistent that you must be as well! Plan out your calendar every month, marking out time for your family & your Arbonne time. If you will work on planning your time – you will find that you will be more focused at what you are doing & you will get into a consistent routine. You have a responsibility to be “all in” when you say you are in!

11 Do for yourself what you do for others While helping those around you to protect their vision, skill, and motivation, be sure to do the same for yourself. Surround yourself with people who will inspire and motivate you as you do for others. Study those in Arbonne that you would like to emulate, but listening to their calls & reading their EOAs. Keep listening, looking, and learning. Don’t miss a call! Listen to uplifting music!

12 Why is it so important to protect your own vision? The more clearly you see it, the more confidently you will seize it. The more clearly you see it, the more authoritatively you will say it. The more clearly you see it, the more enthusiastically you will build it! “I Believe” by Fantasia Barrino

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