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Esther exemplifies a great servant of God ✲ Pure character ✲ Depended on God ✲ Brave.

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2 Esther exemplifies a great servant of God ✲ Pure character ✲ Depended on God ✲ Brave

3 Young women can be heroines of faith ✲ Devotion to God & His cause ✲ Influence those in power ✲ Inspire a generation of God’s people


5 Laws of the Persians could not be revoked, Est. 8:5-11 ✲ Not possible to revoke ◇ Required serious contemplation ◇ Bad ones not changed

6 Laws of the Persians could not be revoked, Est. 8:5-11 ✲ Contradictory laws, Est. 8:8-12 ◇ Serious flaw ◇ Effectively created a civil war

7 God’s laws are perfect, Psa. 19:7; Jas. 1:25 ✲ Every law is good, Rom. 7:12 ✲ God has the authority to change, Heb. 7:12-14

8 God’s laws are perfect, Psa. 19:7; Jas. 1:25 ✲ No laws contradict each other ◇ Truth agrees with truth, Gal. 1:6-9 ◇ Harmony among teachers, 2 Pt. 3:16 ◇ Example: baptism -Jesus, Mk. 16:16 -Peter, Acts 2:38 -Ananias, Acts 22:16 -Paul, Col. 2:11, 12

9 Jews took action for their own deliverance, Est. 9:1-5 ✲ God worked – Providence ✲ Jews put faith to work – fought back

10 We must act in our deliverance ✲ Reconciliation, Eph. 2:1-9 ◇ God, Acts 19:1 -Revealed all truth -Preserved truth -Truth available

11 We must act in our deliverance ✲ Reconciliation, Eph. 2:1-9 ◇ Man, Acts 19:2-5 -Hear -Believe -Apply

12 We must act in our deliverance ✲ Restoration ◇ God, 2 Pt. 3:9 -Patient & longsuffering -Opportunity -Brethren to help, Gal. 6:1, 2

13 We must act in our deliverance ✲ Restoration ◇ Man, Acts 8:18-24 -Examine ourselves -Repent & pray -Fruit of repentance

14 The Feast of Purim was instituted, Est. 9:20-28 ✲ Similar to the Passover, Ex. 12 ✲ Celebrated to this day

15 We have a memorial of our deliverance: The Lord’s Supper, Mt. 26:26-29 ✲ Delivered from our adversary, Heb. 2:14, 15 ✲ Freed from oppression of sin, Heb. 1:1-3 ✲ Remember Who & what: Jesus & sacrifice


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