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 Central to city core, population center and multi-family zones.  A community gathering place for citizens with a common interest.  Creates greater.

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Presentation on theme: " Central to city core, population center and multi-family zones.  A community gathering place for citizens with a common interest.  Creates greater."— Presentation transcript:


2  Central to city core, population center and multi-family zones.  A community gathering place for citizens with a common interest.  Creates greater security for ALL park users.  Allows park visitors to lawfully allow their dogs off-leash.  Reduces vehicle trips to other off-leash parks on the Eastside.  Does not interfere with the “Lake Boren Park Master Plan” Benefits of an off-leash dog area at Lake Boren Park

3  It’s an amenity that will to add to park versatility.  Offers shared open space for citizens with small or no yards.  Within an existing ADA accessible route.  Off-leash play promotes better social skills for dogs, a community benefit.  Our group will volunteer support to City staff and Parks Commission.  Dogs think they are people and want a place for un-encumbered play dates. Benefits of an off-leash dog area at Lake Boren Park

4  1.364 acres of area (The park is 20.2 acres)  960 linear feet of fencing  Two entrances  One equipment entrance for mowing and maintenance  Dog stations at each entrance  Signage  Benches & Picnic Tables  Additional Landscaping The basic needs of an off leash area includes:


6 Proposed Cost of City Amenity Fencing-960- $ 16.47- $ 15,811 Signage - Large-2- $ 155.00- $ 310 Signage - Small-4- $ 65.00- $ 260 Bench's-4- $ 325.00- $ 1,300 Picnic Tables-1- $ 1,350.00- $ 1,350 Dog Stations-2- $ 425.00- $ 850 Waste Receptacles-3- $ 325.00- $ 975 Plantings-35- $ 45.00- $ 1,575 Sub - Total $ 22,431 Contingency-10% $ 2,243 Proposed Total Cost $ 24,674

7 Proposed off-leash area Newc astle Days 2007

8 Sampling of Sally Port’s aka Vestibule’s Luther Burbank Park – Mercer Island Cedar River Dog Park - Renton

9 Sampling of off-leash area signage

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