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Leopards – the big cat. By Sharnai – Kayleigh Richardson Hope you enjoy …

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1 Leopards – the big cat. By Sharnai – Kayleigh Richardson Hope you enjoy …

2 Facts Leopards are one of the four big cats. Leopards were once found from the British lsles. DID YOU KNOW... A Leopard can be individually identified by the pattern of spots on it`s coat. This is the pattern of a Leopards coat ←

3 WHAT A LEOPARD LOOKS LIKE! Leopards have brown hair with black spots and at the bottom white and silver. If it was a snow leopard it would have white hair and black spots. This is what a snow Leopard looks like ← And here is a painting of the brown leopard…

4 MORE FACTS Leopards can run 58 km or 30 miles a hour. Leopards are found in Asia, South Asia and India. Leopards are one of the smallest cats out of the four big cats they are Tigers,Lions and Jaguar.

5 Leopards job The female Leopard’s job is to take care of the cubs. The male Leopard’s job is to hunt for food and bring it back to his family.

6 WHERE THEY LIVE! Leopards live in …Jungles, forest, rain forest and in hot place.


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