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Capability Maturity Model Integration Project Monitoring and Control Software Management 2008 – 2009 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens.

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Presentation on theme: "Capability Maturity Model Integration Project Monitoring and Control Software Management 2008 – 2009 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capability Maturity Model Integration Project Monitoring and Control Software Management 2008 – 2009 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens

2 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 2 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Purpose  Monitoring the project’s process  Recognize deviation of the project plan  Significant deviation? → take corrective actions

3 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 3 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals SG 1 Monitor Project Against Plan  SP 1.1 Monitor Project Planning Parameters  SP 1.2 Monitor Commitments  SP 1.3 Monitor Project Risks  SP 1.4 Monitor Data Management  SP 1.5 Monitor Stakeholder Involvement  SP 1.6 Conduct Progress Reviews  SP 1.7 Conduct Milestone Reviews

4 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 4 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals  Usage of Trac  Create and assign tickets to a specific person  Create deadline (usually milestones)  Easy to monitor the completion of a milestone  Monitor cost and effort by the use of timesheets  Other: Microsoft project,… SP 1.1 Monitor Project Planning Parameters

5 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 5 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals  Commitments are set with every milestone  All groups: Those commitments are translated into tasks on trac or microsoft project  Sometimes informal commitments  Regularly review commitments (at milestone meeting)  Identify commitments that have not been satisfied  All groups: Easy to detect on a ticket system SP 1.2 Monitor Commitments

6 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 6 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals Example of commitments in milestone (Hadra)

7 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 7 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals  Usage of War Room List to describe risks  Specify the risk and give rating (importance)  Communicate and discuss risks at meetings  Resolve major risks as quick as possible SP 1.3 Monitor Project Risks

8 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 8 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals Example of risks in War Room List (Hadra)

9 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 9 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals  Periodically review documentation  Identify and document issues and impacts  Documentation on Wiki (Trac), Dropbox, Googlegroups, SVN SP 1.4 Monitor Data Management

10 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 10 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals  Periodically review stakeholder involvement  Document results made by stakeholder involvement  Hadra case:  Project review (Markomo)  Gathering workflow information (Guido)  WAFL case: Siruna non documented meetings  MashedUp and TultiMouch case:  Assitents are stakeholders and monitor everything SP 1.5 Monitor Stakeholder Involvement

11 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 11 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals  Progress reviews with assistants  Daily small scrum meetings  Sprint scrum meetings SP 1.6 Conduct Progress Reviews

12 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 12 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals  Two week milestone review meeting with prof. Gielen  Review accomplished work  Weekly review meeting with assistant  Guidance with the projects progress  In MashedUp these are stakeholder meetings SP 1.7 Conduct Milestone Reviews

13 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 13 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals SG 2 Manage Corrective Action to Closure  SP 2.1 Analyze Issues  SP 2.2 Take Corrective Action  SP 2.3 Manage Corrective Action

14 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 14 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals  Collect and analyze issues  List issues needing corrective actions  Analyze issues to determine need for corrective action  All groups:  internal meetings and project management system are used to analyze issues SP 2.1 Analyze Issues

15 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 15 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals  Corrective action plan  Adding resources  Changing processes  Revising project risks  All groups:  Produces new risks, add resources and time SP 2.2 Take Corrective Action

16 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 16 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Specific Goals  Monitor corrective actions  Analyze results of corrective actions  Determine and document appropriate actions  All groups:  If the action is not sufficient the SP 2.2 is restarted SP 2.3 Manage Corrective Action

17 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 17 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Generic Practices GG 2 GG 2 Institutionalize a Managed Process  GP2.1 Establish an Organizational Policy  GP2.2 Plan the Process  GP2.3 Provide Resources  GP2.4 Assign Responsibility  GP2.5 Train People  GP2.6 Manage Configurations  GP2.7 Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders  GP2.8 Monitor and Control the Process  GP2.9 Objectively Evaluate Adherence  GP2.10 Review Status with Higher Level Management

18 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 18 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Generic Practices GG 2  GP2.1 Establish an Organizational Policy  Determine the roadmap that has to be followed to create a good monitor plan  GP2.2 Plan the Process  Create the planning of the process and maintain it  E.G. Some groups planned to have a timesheet every week so every week there is project monitoring and control  GP2.3 Provide Resources  Provide the resources, the programs and the systems  E.G. Some groups made a place in there SVN to upload Timesheets. All groups have a system with tickets (trac,..)

19 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 19 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Generic Practices GG 2  GP2.4 Assign Responsibility  Determine who is in charge of the process  In all groups the leader has the end responsibility. These divided the responsibility to different managers. e.g. the Development manager controls the developers.  GP2.5 Train People  not applicable on our groups  GP2.6 Manage Configurations  Make levels of control to group the work products  not applicable on our groups

20 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 20 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Generic Practices GG 2  GP2.7 Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders  All groups: involvement is done by meetings. Involvement leads to changes of plans.  Examples of involvement:  Assessing project against plan  Reviewing :  Project risks  Progress  Data management  Resolving issues

21 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 21 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Generic Practices GG 2  GP2.8 Monitor and Control the Process  All groups change the process if problems arise. E.g. change the responsibility to other persons.  GP2.9 Objectively Evaluate Adherence  Checking if everything is according to plan  GP2.10 Review Status with Higher Level Management  Groups give regular review status to prof. Gielen and assistants

22 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 22 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Generic Practices GG 3 GG 3 Institutionalize a Defined Process  GP3.1 Establish a Defined Process  Not applicable  GP3.2 Collect Improvement Information  e.g.:  Records of significant deviations  Corrective action results  E.g. stop the timesheets

23 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 23 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Findings  Strengths  Tultimouch monitors workload  Opportunities for Improvement  WAFL finds it difficult to control fellow students  WAFL underestimated the risks  Proposed Actions  Make more resources available to monitor and estimate the risks

24 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 24 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control Glossary  CMMICapability Maturity Model Integration  PMCProject Monitoring and Control

25 Alexander Ide Niels Soetens 25 / 25 Project Monitoring and Control References  CMMI for Development version 1.2  Software Quality Assurance within the CMMi framework control.html

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