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Presentation on theme: "TESOL METHODS Then and Now."— Presentation transcript:

1 TESOL METHODS Then and Now

2 AGENDA Welcome! Comprehensible Input Procedures – PPP and more
TESOL Methods Then and Now Group Presentations Readings

3 What kinds of classes have you taught or will teach in the future?
What is your name? What kinds of classes have you taught or will teach in the future? Do teachers talk too much? Jaime anytime at INTRODUCTIONS

4 Do teachers talk too much?
Do teachers talk too much? Why or why not? The importance of i+1

5 PROCEDURES PPP – Presentation, Practice, Production
ARC – Authentic use, Restricted use, Clarification OHE – Observe, Hypothesize, Experiment III – Illustration, Interaction, Induction ESA – Engage, Study, Activate

6 PPP Presentation Practice Production Presentation Practice Production

7 Descriptive, not Prescriptive
Authentic Use Restricted Use Clarification Authentic Restricted Clarification Clarification Restricted Use Authentic Use Similar to PPP C A R ARC Descriptive, not Prescriptive

8 OHE/III Observe Hypothesize Experiment Or Illustration Interaction
Induction Observe Hypothesize Experiment Or Illustration Interaction Induction OHE/III

9 ESA Harmer’s Procedure “Boomerang” “Patchwork” Lessons Engage Study
Activate Engage Study Activate Harmer’s Procedure Engage Activate Study “Boomerang” ESA Activate Study Engage “Patchwork” Lessons

Audiolingualism p. 64 Communicative Language Teaching p. 69 Task Based Learning p. 71 Community Language Learning p. 68 The Silent Way p. 68 Suggestopedia p. 68 Total Physical Response (TPR) p. 68 The Lexical Approach p. 74 Grammar Translation p. 63 Direct Method p. 63

11 GROUP WORK In groups, read and discuss your assigned method.
Consider these questions: What are the pros and cons of this method? How common is this method in Korea? How comfortable are you teaching this way? How comfortable are Korean students learning this way? Present your method to the rest of the class: Describe the method and share some of your discussion You may not like all aspects of this method, but what parts of the method can be incorporated into your teaching? Are there any aspects of this method that should NOT be used?

12 ECLECTIC METHOD What are the best parts of each method we’ve discussed? Create your own eclectic method, customized to meet the needs of your students. Today’s topics came primarily from Chapter 4 Please take a few moments to review these chapters If you have questions, bring them to the next class

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