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Integumentary System Chapter 5. Combining Forms for the Integumentary System adip/o lip/o steat/o dermo/o dermat/o cutane/o.

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Presentation on theme: "Integumentary System Chapter 5. Combining Forms for the Integumentary System adip/o lip/o steat/o dermo/o dermat/o cutane/o."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integumentary System Chapter 5

2 Combining Forms for the Integumentary System adip/o lip/o steat/o dermo/o dermat/o cutane/o

3 Combining Forms for the Integumentary System adip/ofatadiposis lip/olipoma steat/osteatoma dermo/oskinhypodermic dermat/odermatology cutane/osubcutaneous

4 Combining Forms for the Integumentary System eyrthr/o hidr/o hist/o histio/o

5 Combining Forms for the Integumentary System erythr/orederythrodermatitis hidr/osweatanhidrosis hist/otissuehistology histio/ohistiogenic

6 Combining Forms for the Integumentary System ichthy/o kerat/o scler/o leuk/o

7 Combining Forms for the Integumentary System ichthy/ofishichthyoid kerat/ohardkeratosis scler/oscleroderma leuk/owhiteleukonychia

8 Combining Forms for the Integumentary System melan/o myc/o onych/o plas/o

9 Combining Forms for the Integumentary System melan/oblackmelanocyte myc/ofungusmycosis onych/onailonychodystrophy plas/oformationdysplastic

10 Combining Forms for the Integumentary System purpur/o seb/o squam/o

11 Combining Forms for the Integumentary System purpur/opurplepurpuric seb/osebum (oil)seborrhea squam/oscalesquamous

12 Combining Forms for the Integumentary System trich/o xer/o xanth/o

13 Combining Forms for the Integumentary System trich/ohairtrichorrhexis xer/odryxerosis xanth/oyellowxanthoma

14 Integumentary System Overview  Composed of skin (integument), and its appendages (hair, nails, sweat glands and sebaceous glands)  Protects body for injury or intrusion of microorganisms  Helps regulate body temperature  Houses receptors for sense of touch

15 Skin  Largest organ in the body  Divided into an outer layer and an inner layer:  epidermis — outer layer  dermis (corium) — inner layer

16 The Skin (continued)

17 Epidermis  Consists of several layers of stratified squamous (scale like) epithelium:  basal layer — innermost layer  basal cells are constantly being pushed up, moving older cells to the surface  melanocytes — produce pigment (melanin) which gives color to the skin  squamous layer — outermost layer

18 Dermis (Corium)  Connective tissue layer  Contains:  blood and lymphatic vessels  nerve and nerve endings  glands  hair follicles  network of elastic and collagen fibers (gives skin elasticity and toughness)

19 Subcutaneous Layer  Layer below the dermis  Composed of loose connective tissue and adipose (fatty) tissue

20 Lesions  Areas of pathologically altered tissue  Two types:  primary  secondary

21 Primary Lesions: pg 111-112  Lesions arising from previously normal skin  Flat, nonpalpable changes in skin color: macule, patch  Elevated, palpable, solid mass: papule, wheal  Elevation formed by fluid within a cavity: vesicle, bulla, pustule

22 Secondary Lesions: pg112-114  Lesions that result in changes in primary lesions  Types:  Loss of skin surface: erosion, ulcer, excoriation, fissure  Material on skin surface: scale, crust  Other secondary lesions: keloid, nevus, verruca

23 Secondary Lesions cont’d…  Lesions of a blood vessel (also a secondary lesion)  cherry angioma — round, bright red blood vessel tumor often seen on trunk  telangiectasia (spider angioma) — radiate from central arteriole most often found on face, neck or chest Vascular Lesions

24 Secondary Lesions cont’d…  Lesions as a result of hemorrhages in the skin  petechia — minute hemorrhagic spot — indicates a bleeding tendency  ecchymosis — bruise Purpuric Lesions

25 Secondary Lesions cont’d…  Skin tumors arising from the epidermis  dysplastic nevus — mole with precancerous changes  verruca — wart; caused by a virus Epidermal Tumors

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