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Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 1 DECOS Project Mission and Objectives EU project.

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Presentation on theme: "Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 1 DECOS Project Mission and Objectives EU project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 1 DECOS Project Mission and Objectives EU project DECOS and Automotive Visions (“Darpa Grand Challenge 2005”) Austrian Research Centers – Seibersdorf research Manfred Gruber, Erwin Schoitsch, 1 st Annual International Conference „ICTs in Automotive Industry“ Košice, Slovak Republic, May 10, 2006

2 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, I nformation T echnologies H ealth P hysics B iogenetics, Natural Resources L ife Sciences M aterials & P roduction Engineering I ntegrated M icrosystems A ustria B iomedical E ngineering Intelligent I nfrastuctures and S pace Applications M edia R esearch Studios Salzburg IT HP B&L MP IMA BE IS MR Staff 2005: Ca. 540 Seibersdorf Research : Largest enterprise of ARC – Austrian Research Centers Austria‘s largest independent, contract-oriented research organisation (14 sites, 800 staff)

3 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 3 IT - Dependable Embedded Systems Group  Co-ordinator of EU Integrated Projects DECOS, SECOQC  TT-VisionNode (SensorNode) & SD4SC  Integration of Image Processing and Dependable Controls, Smart Cameras and Sensors  Accredited V&V Lab (EN ISO/IEC 17025)  Research Topics  Methodology & tools for dependable embedded components and systems  Model based V & V of components & systems  Host-target testing with Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) / Software-in-the-loop (SIL)  RAMSS/Hazard analyses for component based systems  European Projects and Networks on Dependability and Software Process Management (ENCRESS, AMSD, ISA- EuNet, SPIRE, OLOS, ACRuDA, ESPITI, DECOS, COOPERS… ) TT-VisionNode

4 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 4 Automotive Visions beyond in-car driver assistance (1): Integrated Traffic Management Intelligent Infrastructure and Smart Cars plus individual location based services – Infra2Vehicle & V2I communication: Project COOPERS (co-operative networks for intelligent road safety)

5 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 5 Automotive Visions (2): Examples eSafety on the road (EU) Platooning – project “Chauffeur 2” (Chauffeur Assistant)(small scale electronic coupling)

6 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 6 Automotive Visions (3) Platooning car “trains” – large scale electronic coupling Vehicle2V communication – high throughput, lower risks (?)

7 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 7 Automotive Visions (4): Autonomous Vehicles - Final Goal Grand Challenge 2005  Competition of Autonomous Ground Vehicles, Oct. 8, 2005  No Driver, no remote control  Distance: 212 Km / 132 miles  Max Duration: 10 hours  On dirt roads and off-road (Mojave Desert near Primm, Nevada)  National Qualification Event (NQE)  Prize for the winning team: $2 Million  To save human lives – military and civil applications

8 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 8 RASCAL  RASCAL - R obust A utonomous S ensor C ontrolled A ll- terrain L and-vehicle  Team: SciAutonics / Auburn Engineering, ARC-sr, …

9 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 9 Embedded Stereo Vision Sensor  System Concept

10 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 10 National Qualification Event (NQE)  NQE Runs Analysis – embedded systems controlled development life cycle

11 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 11 Movie

12 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 12 Vision of Grand Challenge 2006  Competition of Autonomous Ground Vehicles, Nov. 3, 2006  No Driver, no remote control  Distance: 96,6 Km / 60 miles  NEW: Supply Mission in mock urban area  Max Duration: 6 hours  SAFE Operation in traffic  Obey traffic laws, busy intersections, navigate traffic circles, avoid obstacles  Prize for the winning team: $2 Million  Participants conference May 20, 2006 EU- Project CyberCar

13 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 13 (Automotive) Embedded Systems Vision: Safety Technology Integrated Project: DECOS Project Facts Start: July 1 st, 2004, Duration: 3 Years, Budget: 14.3 Mio €, EU Funding: 9 Mio € Objective Development of fundamental (domain and technology independent) enabling technologies to faciliate paradigm shift from federated to integrated design of dependable real-time embedded systems („Integrated“: SW, HW, Middleware) Dependable Embedded Components and Systems EU Framework Program 6: PRIORITY [2] [Information Society Technologies], Integrated Project 511764

14 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 14 DECOS Consortium (19 members)  Industrial Partners : Airbus, AEV, EADS, Infineon, TTTech, Fiat, Profactor, Hella, Liebherr, Thales, Esterel  Research Centers : ARC Seibersdorf (Co-ordinator), SP Swedish Test & Res. Institute  Universities: TU Vienna, TU Darmstadt, TU Hamburg, Uni Kassel, Uni Kiel, Budapest University DECOS and ARTEMIS: WG „Reference Designs and Architectures“ (chair Prof. H. Kopetz), Last Meeting: Feb. 2006, TUVI DECOS Partners in ARTEMIS: TU Vienna, AIRBUS, Thales and Infineon Annual Conference 2006: Graz, Austria, May 23.-24.

15 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 15 Electronic Control Systems (Automotive)  State of the Art  50 – 100 Electronic Control Units (ECUs) in luxury class cars  High number of Cables and Connectors  Separate box for each function  DECOS Goals  Integrated Design  Significant reduction of ECUs  HW Cost reduction  Improved Dependability

16 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 16 Dependability  State of the Art  Very complex electronic systems  High dependability of mechanical components  DECOS Goal  Support of safety-critical systems (time-triggered communication, redundant components)  Partitioning of safety-critical and non safety-critical subsystems, integration on one control unit  Driver Assistance Systems, X-by-Wire Industrial Vision: „Aerospace Safety at Automotive Cost“ TTP

17 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 17 Development Set of certifiable HW and SW components in order to significantly reduce the design, deployment, and life cycle cost of dependable embedded applications and increase dependability.  Methodologies + Tools for “Composable & Integrated” Design of Systems  Requirements: Functionality, Dependability, Performance (Temporal)  Model-based  Reusable SW, HW & middleware components  Automated Generation and Configuration  SW→HW Allocation, Scheduling (predictable)  Component Oriented V&V Test Bench  Framework including methodologies and tools  Modular certification

18 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 18 Diagnosis and Maintenance  Reduction of fault-not-found ratio at the service stations and thus reducing associated warranty/repair costs and  Strengthen the customer’s trust in the product by providing an:  Integrated diagnostic infrastructure  Maintenance oriented fault model  Out of Norm Assertions  Monitoring and dissemination of diagnostic information

19 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 19 DECOS Application Areas  Automotive  Aerospace  Railways  Industrial Control  Medical Systems  Autonomous Systems

20 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 20 DECOS Application: Aerospace Flap Control Demonstration System for Airbus Outer Flap System

21 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 21 DECOS Application: Automotive Traffic Jam Assistant and Lane Control System Demonstration Systems Environment Simulator Sensor fusion Surround -ing objects database Vehicle motion + collision avoidance control Vehicle dynamics controller Vehicle drivetrain controller HIL-testbed Environment Simulator Vehicle Simulator Driver warning logic Lateral control Acceleration deceleration Critical Situation Generator Performance analysis Vehicle Simulator Environment Simulator Vehicle Simulator

22 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 22 DECOS Application: Industrial Control Vibration Control Demonstration System for Nano Imprinting Machines Objectives: Suppression of critical vibrations in high-end nano-imprinting machines for next-generation Sensors, Microoptics, Bio- and Nanotechnology. Other application areas: machinery, automotive ( FIT-IT project Austria ), construction engineering

23 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 23 DECOS Economic Impact ( Estimations for the Automotive Sector)  20 % Cost Reduction expected for System Development  13 % Total Cost Savings for Hardware, Maintenance and System Development

24 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 24 Economic Impact of Dependable Embedded Systems and DECOS Technology (examples)  Electronics in Cars: 170 billion € HW, 100 b € SW (2010), Europe in leading position  Driver assistance systems: 2-3 b € 2007, increasing by 50% within a few years  Aerospace industry revenues: 265 b € total, 70 b € civil, Europe in leading position  European mechanical Engineering Industry: 353 b € turnover, 32% of innovations DES-based (HW, SW) rising to 40%  SMEs in active safety systems electronics consultation and know-how transfer services in the validation and certification market: 5 b € (2010), annual growth about 30%; many SMEs part of multi-tier supply chains!  Tool and component manufacturer: annual increase expected in DES market by 20% - 40 %, depending on sector.  Expected impact of DES mass deployment considerably large on Environment, Employment, Quality and Safety of Life

25 Kosice, May 10, 2006 ICTs in Automotive Industry Information Technologies, Slide 25 Reference: Kopetz, R. Obermaisser, P. Peti, N. Suri: „From a Federated to an Integrated Architecture for Dependable Real-Time Embedded Systems“ (DIG web site) DES-Roadmaps: DECOS project: ARC-sr, ;

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