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Personal Statement Writing Workshop Career Resources Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Statement Writing Workshop Career Resources Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Statement Writing Workshop Career Resources Center

2 The Personal Statement Make it work for you! Who you are? Why dental medicine? A defining moment? Real talk


4 Before You Write What are your career goals? Start with the end in mind What is special about you? What motivates you? What details of your life might help program director understand you? Personal, family, history, people or events that shaped or influenced you Have you overcome obstacles or hardships? What personal characteristics do you have that you think will make you successful in the profession/program? Economic, familial, physical

5 What To Do Tell your story! Be colorful, positive, imaginative, and personal Give supporting details Why would they want to have you as a resident and colleague? Would you want to read it? Convey your passion for dentistry Be yourself Be thoughtful and original Evaluate, don’t describe Recruit a friend Proof. Edit. Proof again.

6 What Not To Do Do NOT: Write what you think they want to hear Use gimmicky style or format BE NEGATIVE! Use same essay as one for supplemental application Get political or controversial Send same essay to all programs Wait until the last minute

7 Samples

8 Questions?

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