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APEC ENERGY BUSINESS NETWORK Barrie Leay Inaugural Chair San Francisco Sept 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "APEC ENERGY BUSINESS NETWORK Barrie Leay Inaugural Chair San Francisco Sept 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 APEC ENERGY BUSINESS NETWORK Barrie Leay Inaugural Chair San Francisco Sept 2003

2 APEC EBN Created in Oakland 1999 Requested by 21 APEC Energy Ministers Comprised entirely of private sector people Power, oil, gas, coal, renewables present Close dialogue with EWG officials now Recently joint meetings and expert groups Papers given to Energy Ministers Meetings

3 EBN Membership Shell Unocal Rio Tinto Tokyo Gas Mitsubishi Korea Electric Singapore Power, etc

4 Initial Agenda Forums of players to determine priorities Highlight barriers to energy development Produced best practice guide for power generation Produced best practice guide for gas production Cross border issues for power and gas grids Linking power and gas legs

5 Recent Agenda Energy service industries Renewable and sustainable development Implications of Kyoto Agreement Clean coal technologies Continued market liberalsisation Improving productivity and efficiency Capacity building

6 Implementation Facilitation Teams IFAT teams concentrate on liberalisation Have been invited by Thailand – twice Philippines Peru Comprised of very experienced EBN reps who have been through the liberalisation (and often privatisation) processes and implementation and the politics of incumbency and procrastination

7 Future Agenda Accelerate shift from old to new technology Shift from dirty to clean technologies Move from fossil to renewable technologies Improve efficiency of all technologies Repatriate stranded gas fields Gas to liquids technology The future in clean diesel or hydrogen cars Financing US$30 trillion identified in WEC report

8 Future Investments Distributed generation and more efficiency Higher reliability for Information Age Better transmission grids Higher security against natural disasters and terrorist attacks More wind, geothermal, passive solar and PV Much more investment in energy efficiency Trading mechanisms for negawatts & net metering Creating commercial energy systems for 3rd world Finance seminar in Hong Kong to lift awareness

9 Linking the efforts Energy Ministers – elected politicians Energy Working Group –appointed officials Energy Business Network – senior business Energy Expert Groups – scientists and engineers EEG’s are the primary promoters & implementors APERC – Research team in Tokyo APEC Secretariat – Singapore EWG Secretariat – Canberra APEC-CPI – Collaborative Projects Initiative

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