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Setting up priority for development Jela Tvrdonova Podkylava 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Setting up priority for development Jela Tvrdonova Podkylava 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting up priority for development Jela Tvrdonova Podkylava 2007

2 Partnership based, participative and interactive programming and planning Facilitation Animation Interaction „White paper“ principle „With people“ rather than „for people“

3 Local development strategy structure Vision – an idea about the future of the village or micro-region Resource Audit SWOT analysis Problem analysis Strategic and specific development objectives Action and Financial planning Setting up monitoring and evaluation framework Setting up the implementation framework

4 The strategy framework - completed Priorities for development Analysis Partnership Resource audit Specific objectives Strategic objecive I n t e r v e n t i o n Measures Impact Result Output Territory Vision Impact Indicators Result indicators Input indicators Output Indicators E v a l u a t i o n Monit oring

5 Resource Audit – human and social resources Demographic characteristics Degree and kind of education Extension service and adult education Informatics Religion Minorities and their status Institutions and their activities Cultural resources Historical resources Social groups and their mutual status Attitudes, opinions, needs, problems of citizens

6 Resourse Audit – material ans physical resources Housing Public and private buildings – utilised and empty Technical infrastructure Communication infrastructure Cultural and historical memorials Infrastructure of free time and hobbies Social service facilities

7 Resource Audit – economic resources Economic sectors, their share on the total turnover Business environment Employment and unemployment Actual utilisation of economic sources – land, forest, processing, services... Banks and else financial sector

8 Resource Audit – natural resources Land Forest Water Protected areas Stone, sand, metals.... Quality of the environment

9 SWOT analysis (open) Resource Audit is the base of the SWOT analysis of the territory development This analysis is divided into two parts: - Analysis of strengths and weaknesses from the point of actual situation - Analysis of opportunities and threats from the point of the future development

10 Problem Analysis Setting up major problems of the area Select key problems of the area with the question: what shall be solved first in order to reach the whished change on effective, efficient and sustainable manner? Find alternative solutions Conduct the cost/benefit analysis and select bets solutions Identify the developemnt priorities The successful problem analysis is very important for setting up right strategic and specific objectives which address key problems of the development

11 Setting up objectives and development priorities Based on the identification of key problems, the most effective, efficient and sustainable solutions – setting up the main development priorities for the given period of time Setting up specific objectives – defining the desired change in the given development priority (Results) Setting up general overall objectives – defining the change for the territory in broader sense (Impact)

12 Preliminary Action plan Is the elaboration of the development priorities into concrete steps/project proposals: It should be : –Realistic –Concrete –Flexible –Expression of the common development priorities of the partnership –Transparent

13 Preliminary community action plan This action plan will have following structure: Proposed projects, steps Responsibities Location Preliminary budgets Proposed budgets sources

14 Preliminary action plan - table Steps Projects Responsibilit y PlaceTimeBudgetSource

15 Thank you for attention!!!

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