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CONDUCTIVITY LAB Setup and Debrief Tahoma Jr. High 8 th Grade Science Maple Valley, WA.

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Presentation on theme: "CONDUCTIVITY LAB Setup and Debrief Tahoma Jr. High 8 th Grade Science Maple Valley, WA."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONDUCTIVITY LAB Setup and Debrief Tahoma Jr. High 8 th Grade Science Maple Valley, WA

2 Setup your equipment to look like the setup below You will then insert different materials to see if they will “complete” the circuit and “conduct” electricity or not. BE GENTLE WITH THE PLASTIC BAGS THEY HAVE GLASS IN THEM!

3 Debrief Starts With Next Slide

4 MATERIAL Conductor (C) or Insulator (I) or Resistor (R) ? Rubber (stopper) Magnesium ribbon (narrow strip) Wood (Popsicle stick) Zinc (thick soft strip) Glass (test tube) Copper (orange/brown strip) Plastic (eyedropper) Paper (piece of your own) Aluminum strip (shiny thick strip) Brass (small tube with one end open) Nickel (Ni plated coin) Carbon (double headed pencil) Iron (nail) C I I I I I C C C C C C R (or “semiconductor”)

5 will be clock-wise or counter-clockwise depending on how you set it up

6 it will be turning in the opposite direction of the other setup (electrons moving in opposite direction) any metal (copper is most common) carbon (it resists movement and is now being used as a semiconductor on the atomic level)

7 will be clock-wise or counter-clockwise depending on how you set it up

8 When finished: What general type of material makes a good conductor? ____________________ METALS ! BACK TO FRONT PAGE end show

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