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Molecular basis of obesity
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tîrgu Mureş – Marisiensis 2014 Molecular basis of obesity Tripon Florin Crauciuc George Andrei , Mărginean Oana Maria Coord.: Ass. Prof. Dr. Bănescu Claudia -Genetics departament Prof. Dr. Mărginean Oana -Pediatrics department
Background What is happening now? (1-3)
In the Hypothalamus is found in a very large percentage the Fat mass and obesity (FTO) associated protein (4) also known as alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase. An enzyme that in humans is encoded by the FTO gene located on chromosome 16 (5). Dates from the literature demonstrate that FTO gene is associated with levels of Ghrelin and Leptin hormone (6) also with Body Mass Index (7).
Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate, in a case-controlled study, if the polymorphisms of RS T/A and RS T/G FTO genes is associated with obesity.
Matherial and Methods We obtained the approval of the Ethic Committee of The University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tîrgu Mureș. Our study included a group control with 89 children whit age, gender and social status similar to those in the patients group, consisting of 90 young obesity patiens. We obtained from the analysis results(1st Pediatrics Clinic of Clinical County Hospital Tîrgu Mures ) the values of followed markers: Leptin and BMIz (standard deviation) Genetic DNA was extracted from peripheral leukocytes according to the protocol described by manufacturer (ZymoResearch DNA kit).
DNA was submitted to restriction fragment length polymorphism-chain polymerase reaction (RFLP-PCR Eppendorf Mastercycler) using the following primers ( Fermentas/Thermo Scientific) Rs T/A FTO gene Rs T/G Fto gene The results were seen by electrophoresis in 2% agarose gel and a source of UV light. forward primer sequence: AACTGGCTCTTGAATGAAATAGGATTCAGA AGGACCTCCTATTTGGGACA reverse primer sequence: AGAGTAACAGAGACTATCCAAGTGCAGTAC AGCTTCCATGGCTAGCATTA PCR protocols initial denaturation 95°C for 4min °C for 5 min denaturation °C for 30sec °C for 1min annealing °C for 35sec X °C for 1min extension °C for 1min °C for 1min final extension °C for 10min °C for 7min Amplified products were digested with 2U of Sca I Fast digest enzyme U of Alw NI Fast digest enzyme For 10 min at 37°C ( Thermo Scientific)
Results Our study included a number of 98 women and 81 men, with ages between 2-17 year and an median age of 10 year.
Results Rs 9939609 T/A FTO gene Control Group
Sex distribution in the control group : 60% girls and the remaining 40% boys The mean BMIz : The mean Leptin level : ng/dl In the Control group the Rs T/A gene was found in the following variants: -homozygous normal (TT genotype) at 33 people, -heterozygous (TA genotype) 42 and -homozygous mutant (AA genotype) on 14. T 182 pb A 154 pb
Results Rs 9939609 T/A FTO gene Patients Group
Sex distribution : 53.33(3)% boys and 46.33(3)% girls In the Patients group the Rs T/A gene was found in the following variants: -homozygous normal (TT genotype) at 28 people -heterozygous (TA genotype) 29 and -homozygous mutant (AA genotype) on 33. Genotype Number of person Sex distribution (percente) Mean BMIz Mean value of Leptin ng/dl TT 28 20.84% ♂ 42.85% ♀ 2.06 13.52 TA 29 39.58% 23.80% 2,19 15.40 AA 33 33.35% 2,23 18.24
Results Rs 17817449 T/G FTO gene Control Group
In the Control group the Rs T/G gene was found in the following variants: -homozygous normal (TT genotype) at 0 people, -heterozygous (GT genotype) 54 and -homozygous mutant (GG genotype) on 35. 223 pb G 123 pb T 100 pb T
Results Rs 17817449 T/G FTO gene Patients Group
In the Patients group the Rs T/G gene was found in the following variants: -homozygous normal (TT genotype) at 3 people, -heterozygous (GT genotype) 60 and -homozygous mutant (GG genotype) on 27. Genotype Number of person Sex distribution (percente) Mean BMIz Mean value of Leptin ng/dl TT 3 4.16% ♂ 2.38% ♀ 1.71 6.57 GT 60 68.75% 64.28% 2.12 16.20 GG 27 27.09% 33.34% 2.35 16.67
Distribution of Rs T/A genotype and allele distribution in Patients group and Control group. PATIENTS GROUP CONTROL GROUP PATIENST GROUP VS. CONTROL GROUP p value, OR, CI Genotype TT TA AA 28 29 33 42 14 --- p=0,5998 OR 0,8138 95% CI (0,4077-1,624) p=0,0184 OR 2.778 95% CI (1,, ) Allele frequency T allele Aallele 85 95 106 70 p=0,0148, OR 1,692 95% CI (1,111-2,577)
Distribution of Rs T/G genotype and allele distribution in Patients group and Control group. PATIENTS GROUP CONTROL GROUP PATIENTS GROUP VS. CONTROL GROUP p value, OR, CI Genotype GG GT TT 27 60 3 35 54 --- p=0,0887, OR 95% CI (0,005-2,173) p=0,2480 OR 0,1586 95% CI (0,008-3,142) Allele frequency G allele T allele 114 66 124 p=0,2193, OR 95% CI (0,4842-1,169)
Conclusion BMIz and leptin levels are directly proportional with the number of RS / Rs FTO allele, an maximum risk have the patients homozygous mutant for both genes. Exist a correlation between obesity and the RS T/A FTO gene polymorphism with statistical and scientific significance. The RS T/G FTO gene polymorphism in this study is not related to obesity, compared to other international studies ( 8-9) The fact that we have not found associations between RS T/G FTO gene and susceptibility to obesity explains the complex etiology of this disease , with the involvement of multiple several factors: alimentation, social factors, economic conditions, environmental factors etc.
Conclusion RR p=0.018 CI MEN RR P= CI
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