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HK-status. RS422 (diff) RS232 SPI Trigger rate Analog(V,T) >=4 Analog(V,T) <= 5 ? 2MB/s.

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Presentation on theme: "HK-status. RS422 (diff) RS232 SPI Trigger rate Analog(V,T) >=4 Analog(V,T) <= 5 ? 2MB/s."— Presentation transcript:

1 HK-status

2 RS422 (diff) RS232 SPI Trigger rate Analog(V,T) >=4 Analog(V,T) <= 5 ? 2MB/s

3 DDCU: DC-DC Converter Unit  Self contained in enclosure (compatible with EUROCARD 6U Subrack) with frontal connectors HK mechanical architecture

4 Modular to accomodate interface and functionality versatility MicroProc: ArduinoMega (but there are other options under study) Interfaces with: SIREN CPU (DST) CCB CLK GPS PWP PDM HVPS DP-LPVPS(1&2) PDM-LVPS FL, SL, TL Gather monitoring parameters via analog and serial IFs (V,i,T) HV switches Reset On/off and CC Generate alarms by comparing with dynamical standard ranges of parameters Answer to CPU under request Keep a black box of several cycles for failure debugging Self-Watch-dog functionality Time scale of cycling: ~1 to few seconds HK architecture & functionality

5 FunctionDirection Statu sClientStandard Protocol and Command sConnectors Bandwidt h Electrical characteristics Turns ON/OFFINPartial SIREN HL_CmD NA TBD NA TBD, proposed 12 V existing prototype Verify ClosureOUTNoneCC (TBC)Signal continuity Turns ON/OFFOUT Full LVPS (3 DP+1 PDM) HL_CmD DB15 (TBC) TBD, proposed 12 V Verify ClosureINCCSignal continuity Telemetry V&I measurementsINV, I monitoringAnalog Voltage and Temp measurementsINPartialCCB 1 Analog (Voltage, temperature)<= 5 lines (TBC)TBD Data transmission IN/OUT (OUT TBD)PartialCCB 2 (TBD)SPITBD5 lines (TBD) 2 Mb/s (TBC) Defined Data transmission IN/OUT (OUT TBD) PartialCLKSPITBDplus 1 lineDefined Data transmission IN/OUT (OUT TBD)PartialGPS 1 (TBD)SPITBDplus 1 lineDefined Data transmissionINPartialGPS 2AnalogNA5 linesNATBD INNonePDMBTBD Re-initialization FPGA (TBD) OUTPartial CCB (TBC) NAHL and TOTTBDNA3-5 ms in HL TBDCLK (TBC) TBDPDN (TBD) TBD Other systems (TBD) TemperatureINPartialLenses (FL-SL-TL)AnalogNATBD (number of lines)NAAnalog ON-OFF EC and bits statusOUTPartialHVPSHL (TBD)NA Number of lines (<= 27, TBD)NATBD Data transmission IN/OUT (IN TBD)PartialCPU 1RS 232 (TBC)TBD Defined TBC (monitoring)INPartialCPU 2AnalogNA Number of lines (<= 5, TBC)NATBD Turns ON/OFFIN/OUTNone 3 LVPS (TBC) HL_CmD and CCNATBDNATBD, proposed 12 V CCB (TBC) CLK (TBC) GPS (TBC) CPU (TBC) PDM (TBC) TBD TBC Status of interface definition

6 Pressure range: 1 atm to 1 mb Temperature range: 30C to -50C In operation during tests:  ADC channels  I2C communiction  PWM modules  Internal EEPROM memory  Digital outputs  RS422 with a PC (the PC is outside chamber)  Simultaneous mathematical processing in the Arduino All these comoonents are also prototypes for the corresponding interfaces, which have been numerically simulated and physically implemented Starting next week Vaccum & thermal operational tests (destructive) Arduino Mega EEPROM I2CI2C DigitalAnalog PWM Commms - PC

7 Planning December 2012

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