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Reading and Writing Stories in the World Language Classroom Jason Slanga Dulaney High School, Baltimore County Reading and.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading and Writing Stories in the World Language Classroom Jason Slanga Dulaney High School, Baltimore County Reading and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading and Writing Stories in the World Language Classroom Jason Slanga Dulaney High School, Baltimore County Reading and Writing Stories in the World Language Classroom Jason Slanga Dulaney High School, Baltimore County

2 Why do we use storytelling in the language classroom?

3 What do the students say?



6 Same Conversation Three Little Pigs Goldilocks and the Three Bears Rumplestilksin Little Red Riding Hood List the first five children’s stories that comes to mind.


8 Booklets

9 Epistula Alberti

10 Historia de Sancto Georgio

11 11 Niceros et Versipellis (Niceros and the Werewolf) A modified telling of a story told in the Satyricon by Petronius Parallel Story Storyboard Re-write Digital Story

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