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State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011.

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1 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011


3 70%+ of student body on Free- Reduced Lunch status. (TEA AEIS 2009), (Vockley- Vockley-Lang, 2007). Economic hardship makes technology tools like computers luxury items for those in need.

4 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011 < 50% had adequate training in instructional use of technology tools. Yet, >85% have received training in using technology tools for administrative tasks.(Davis, 2008) At least 1/3 of any technology budget should be devoted to training in how to use the technology tools efficiently and effectively. (Wilson & Hash, 2003).

5 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011 Technology Tools StudentsTeachers Students Haves < 30% Have-nots 70% + Teachers’ gap more due to reluctance to change and lack of training. < 5 yrs. Experience more likely to have personal tech tools Veterans with 20+ years of experience less likely to have personal tech tools Economic resources may be root cause of technology “gap”. Teachers

6 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011 32 miles of single mode fiber Gigabit Ethernet to all closets 100 Mbit switched to all devices IP Telephones in all rooms Secure wireless overlay in work

7 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011 Home use licensed applications Microsoft Office 2007 Available via the ‘Net 24/7 Aesop C-Scope Eduphoria Gradespeed School Fusion Study Island (student practice)

8 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011 IC 3 Intel TEACH Program Microsoft Applications School Fusion Thinking Maps

9 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011 Some change agents for the needed “gap bridging.”  Make tech learning teams to support and encourage reluctant learners.  Incentives for training participants particularly the reluctant veterans.  Capital infusion through grant applications and other opportunities should be considered.

10 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011  Continue with incentives and teaming to build discrete learning groups.  Collaborate between groups on common needs – lesson plans, unit plans, curriculum pacing, etc.  Use Web 2.0 applets to encourage the collaboration and discussion.

11 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011  Collaborative learning community – the way to set things up is to build a collaborative learning community.  Grantsmanship cadre – team to be built for grantwriting as part of their assigned duties.  Mentorship cadre – team built to facilitate the on-going training efforts for the community.

12 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011 As an MTT serving at Bonham Middle School, it is my mission to: Facilitate the empowerment of all stakeholders in Bonham Middle School’s PLC (professional learning community) to more fully integrate existing and future technologies as tools designed to provide for our students’ success as participating members in our 21 st century society.

13 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011  Foster collaboration as a pliant, dynamic system.  Catalyze the mentorship cadre as we work toward a 100% technology integrated campus.  Actively study how to best do grants, build a grantsmanship team (members with experience, members with vision, members who want to work to get the resources we need to soar).

14 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011  The mission will, in reality, probably never be completely fulfilled, but: 1.The change will be observable and measurable. 2.The students will respond with renewed engagement and interest. 3.The community will positively react to the changes and they will support our efforts.

15 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011

16 Davis, M. R. (2008). NEA, AFT report outlines ed-tech problems. Educations week's digital directions: Trends and advice for K-12 technology leaders. Retrieved November 9, 2010 from tml?qs=nea%20aft%20survey tml?qs=nea%20aft%20survey Heraghty, M. (Producer). (2009, July 23). Learning to change, changing to learn [Video Podcast]. Mediajunk: why schools need to change dramatically. Retrieved from s_need_to_change_dra.html s_need_to_change_dra.html TEA, Staff. Texas Education Agency, Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS). (2009). Annual report for Bonham Middle School 2008- 2009. Austin, TX: Texas Education Agency.

17 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011 Vockley-Vockley-Lang, M. (2007). Beyond the 3 r's: voter attitudes toward 21st century skills. Retrieved from Wilson, M., & Hash, J. United States Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). (2003). Building an information technology security awareness and training program (NIST SP800-50). Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. Retrieved from 50/NIST-SP800-50.pdf 50/NIST-SP800-50.pdf

18 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011 Slides 1-19 – District and campus identities, courtesy TISD PIO. Also on all footer space in this presentation. Slide 2 - Courtesy the Randall and Grace Campbell family. Slide 3 - Bonham yearbook staff. Slides 4-7 - Microsoft Clip Art Gallery, Microsoft Corporation. Slide 8 - Courtesy, Richard and Rita Buro family. Slides 9-15 – Microsoft Clip Art Gallery, Microsoft Corporation.

19 State of Technology – Bonham Middle School – 2010-2011

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