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Agenda NewsBellringerBrainstorm Progressive Era. Bellringer What are the two bread and butter issues unions fight for? What are the three tactics unions.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda NewsBellringerBrainstorm Progressive Era. Bellringer What are the two bread and butter issues unions fight for? What are the three tactics unions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda NewsBellringerBrainstorm Progressive Era

2 Bellringer What are the two bread and butter issues unions fight for? What are the three tactics unions use to try and achieve these? The bread and butter issues are higher wages and better working conditions. Unions try to get these two goals by negotiating, striking, or boycotting.

3 Progressive Reforms

4 Bellringer Brainstorm: –Problems in America in the early 1900s –Think about immigrants, working conditions, living conditions, the role of the government, big business, social problems, etc.

5 Bellringer What does Progressive mean? What are two problems we needed to fix? Progressive means to move forward, to make a change, to make improvements. There were a lot of problems in society at this time like poverty, the conditions in tenements, low wages for workers, unsafe working conditions, the power of big businesses, The government was working for businesses not the people

6 Agenda NewsBRReviewMuckMovieReactionTR!

7 Bellringer Who did Progressives want the government to represent (have power)? What did they think the role of the government should be? Progressives wanted to give power back to the people instead of big business. They thought the government should get involved (hands on) and end laissez faire.

8 Reaction Three problems that happened to Yurgis (main character) Your reaction- how did it make you feel? Why? Thoughts? One thing you learned What was created because of The Jungle?

9 Agenda- Monday NewsBRReviewTRVogueShhhPC’s

10 Bellringer Who are muckrakers? What is their purpose? What is a characteristic of their style? Who is an example of one? Muckrakers are investigative journalists who wrote to uncover the problems in society to make the public aware and to get change. Their writing is very descriptive and includes a lot of facts- well researched. Upton Sinclair wrote the Jungle about the meat packing industry

11 So Trendy! People saw problems with the economy, politics, and society Start to get small reforms and work up- getting the government to be more hands on (similar to the Populist Party) Give power to the PEOPLE not to BIG BUSINESS Progressives wanted to improve the standard of living and fix problems in America

12 To be or not to be… What do you think it means to be progressive? Progressive means wanting progress, wanting something better. Progressives will be people in the 1900s who want to make life better for everyone: improve working conditions/wages; improve standard of living (tenements); get rid of corruption- power to the people

13 Ewww Who are muckrakers? What is their purpose? Muckrakers are journalists who uncovered and wrote about corruption and scandal in America in the workplace and the government to wake the public up to problems in society and get CHANGE

14 Yum! **Famous Muckraker Jacob Riis wrote How the Other Half Lives about immigrants living in tenements **Another famous muckraker was Upton Sinclair who wrote The Jungle about the meatpacking industry

15 Helpers! Who did progressives want to help? Who is an example of a woman who helped these people that we already studied? They wanted to help the poor, unemployed, immigrants, and workers. Jane Addams started the Hull House to help these people get on their feet.

16 Hands On! Who did Progressives want to work in the government? How did that differ than who was working there? Progressives wanted qualified workers in the government, not corrupt officials. Up until this time, government was run by political machines who worked for big business- not the people. They wanted the government to be more HANDS ON End Cronyism!

17 Word Time Define the following words: Direct primary: voters choose candidates for office Initiative: voters directly propose laws Referendum: voters can approve proposed laws Recall: elected officials can be voted out of office –What else do we recall?

18 Power to the People! **The purpose of all four of these new reforms was to get power to the PEOPLE and out of the hands of BIG BUSINESS

19 No More Monopoly Not only did Big Business control the government, but they controlled the economy when they formed trusts (or mergers). When they created these, they could eliminate competition and raise prices. Progressives helped to get the Sherman Anti-Trust Act passed in 1890 to make it illegal for companies to create monopolies or big trusts. But in order to really control big business, we needed a strong president.

20 My Main Squeeze Theodore Roosevelt (Teddy/TR) gained popularity after the Spanish American War, he became the governor of New York and then Vice President under President McKinley. When McKinley was assassinated, TR became the youngest president.

21 Vogue It! TR was known for fighting corrupt political machines by promising everyone a square deal. This meant that everyone would be treated equally. ** TR will try to get the government to put their “hands on” and represent the PEOPLE **


23 Who You Gonna Call? TR will crack down on big business and break up trusts/mergers by enforcing the Sherman Anti- Trust Act. **He will get the nickname of being a “trustbuster”

24 Yay for Props! **TR coined the phrase “Speak Softly but Carry A Big Stick” which means negotiate and be civil but if you don’t get the result you use, don’t be afraid to use force.

25 Tree Hugger Teddy was a strong crusader for conservation- which meant that he wanted to preserve our natural resources and land. He created the US Forest Service and appointed Gifford Pinchot. (Ever heard of Pinchot Park?) TR preserved 194 MILLION acres of land.

26 Power to ALL People **While Teddy wanted African Americans to make advances in American life and politics, he faced a lot of disapproval because of this. However, at this time, two famous African Americans promoted the rights of blacks: Booker T. Washington and WEB DuBois

27 Differences in Opinion Both promoted the improvement of African Americans in society but through different means. Booker T. Washington believed that blacks should achieve economic security and not challenge Jim Crow laws. WEB DuBois believed in fighting back against the white government

28 NAACP In 1909, DuBois and Jane Addams founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

29 You’re Just So PC… What is the purpose of political cartoons? Drawings that express views on political issues of the time. Making a mockery of the situation They make a joke out of serious problem/issue.

30 Traits What are traits of a political cartoon? Artists use symbols, exaggeration, and labels to get their point across in a funny way.

31 Steps When looking at a political cartoon, these are the steps I should use: Identify the title of the cartoon which will help you figure out what the cartoon is about Identify main characters/objects in the cartoon. Identify symbols or images or exaggeration that stand for something else (i.e. Uncle Sam stands for America) Identify labels in the cartoon Analyze what the artist’s message is






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