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IMPERIALISM IN EAST ASIA. Interest Before Imperialism China offered trade by Europe, they refused China was largely self-sufficient, not needing anything.

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2 Interest Before Imperialism China offered trade by Europe, they refused China was largely self-sufficient, not needing anything Europe was offering China also had a large supply of natural resources Due to the self-sufficiency, China wanted little to do with Europe. Europe, at this point, dependent on China trade (they want monopoly)


4 Introducing Opium! What is Opium? Opium poppy seeds come the Poppy Flower Smoking the seeds has proven to be addictive Grown mostly in India English come up with a plan: Sell Opium to Chinese and get them hooked Chinese, dependent on drug, will do what British want Leads to the Opium War (1839 & 1859) China tries to seize Opium assets and trade from British British navy fires on China as a result British wins, Treaty of Nanking (essentially Britain could do what it wanted)

5 Boxer Rebellion (1900) Poor peasants and workers angry about special privileges given to foreigners They form the Boxers and capture a Chinese-European city before being pushed out by foreign troops While they lost, the Boxer Rebellion lead to a growth of Chinese nationalism

6 Nationalism After the Boxer Rebellion, Chinese people knew that they needed to resist foreign interventions Chinese citizens were calling for their government to make more changes against the Imperialistic invaders


8 Japanese Isolation Ends Japan remains isolated for centuries Only people they do business with is the Dutch, Chinese, and Koreans US Commodore Matthew Perry opens trade with Japan Japan relents and agrees to trade with US (Treat of Kanagawa) Other European countries begin to push into the untapped land

9 Meiji Reforms Japan realizes pretty quickly it needs to modernize Sends scouts to study Europe and USA (pays off immensely) Also begins to Industrialize Japan Japan soon rose to be an imperial power Took away foreign rights of Europeans Made Europeans obey Japanese laws Japan and China eventually duke it out over Korea (Sino-Japanese War)-Japan wins and gains Taiwan and Pescadores Islands

10 Japanese Empire Emerges Russia vs. Japan Japan and Russia want Manchuria. Japan offers “Stay out of Korea and you can keep Manchuria” Russia refuses Russo-Japanese War Japan holds a surprise attack against Russia, destroys most of their navy Theodore Roosevelt helps draft treaty between the two nations, Treaty of Portsmouth Korea vs. Japan Japan now a powerhouse of East Asia, goes after Korea Japan pushes more and more and eventually annexes Korea Everyone outside of Asia recognized Japan was a fierce opponent, but ultimately decided to ignore their actions (Hey, if they’re bothering me, why should I care?)


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