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1 An Anti-Spam filter based on Adaptive Neural Networks Alexandru Catalin Cosoi Researcher / BitDefender AntiSpam Laboratory

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Presentation on theme: "1 An Anti-Spam filter based on Adaptive Neural Networks Alexandru Catalin Cosoi Researcher / BitDefender AntiSpam Laboratory"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 An Anti-Spam filter based on Adaptive Neural Networks Alexandru Catalin Cosoi Researcher / BitDefender AntiSpam Laboratory

2 2 Neural Networks  a large number of processing elements, called neurons  a different approach in problem solving  neural networks and conventional algorithmic computers complement each other

3 3 Adaptive Resonance Theory  Proposed by Carpenter and Grossberg in 1976-86  Solves the stability – plasticity dilemma  ART architecture models can self-organize in real time producing stable recognition while getting input patterns beyond those originally stored  Contains two components: an attentional and an orienting subsystem  The orienting subsystem works like a novelty detector

4 4 ARTMAP  ARTMAP  a class of Neural Network architectures  perform incremental supervised learning  multi-dimensional maps  input vectors presented in arbitrary order  Fuzzy ARTMAP  features presented in fuzzy logic

5 5 System  A complex system that will  gather the spam and ham corpus  study its characteristics  learn  no human involvement

6 6 Inputs  words like viagra, mortgage, xanax  obfuscated words  information extracted from headers  other heuristics used in Anti-Spam filters

7 7 Hierarchy  Initial implementation: single neural network  Increasing number of heuristics  Increasing number of training items  Train both on spam and ham  Improvements  Next step: multiple neural networks (a hierarchy)  Run only requested heuristics  Perform a refined classification  Split email into several categories  Increase detection speed  Learn new patterns without losing detection on older spam

8 8 Hierarchy

9 9 Correction module and noise reduction  Performs noise reduction on the input data before entering the learning phase  Increases discrimination rate between the input patterns  Eliminates or modifies patterns that can cause misclassification (same pattern for multiple categories)

10 10 Results

11 11 Results Table 3: Detection results on an increasing number of training items. Both train and test corpus were analyzed. Detection results on training items Detection results on test items

12 12 Conclusions  Fast learning method  Solves the stability – plasticity dilemma (property preserved from the ART-modules)  Improves consistently the heuristic filter Faster The analysis is based on pattern recognition  Performs a refined analysis  High detection rates  Advanced categorization  Multiple spam categories  Can also be used for parental control  Can perform email classification (business, school, personal) In conclusion, this system improves both speed and detection

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