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DESCARTES MEDITATION 1. René Descartes 1596-1650.

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2 René Descartes 1596-1650

3 TROUBLED TIMES Plagues Witchcraft Heretics Religious wars New world New science Copernicanism

4 Descartes is a mathematician inventor of metric geometry “hence” a rationalist Cartesian coordinates wants to create place for new science

5 METHOD OF DOUBT IF something is uncertain (= possibly false)  THEN treat it as though it were false. NOTE WELL! The Method of Doubt does not amount to an argument that everything Descartes, or you, formerly believed is false.

6 Three Arguments for Doubt 1. Deceit of the senses 2. Dreaming 3. Malicious Demon aka “Evil Demon”

7 Argument from Deceit of the Senses i) Sometimes I have been deceived by my senses. ii) Therefore: it is possible that my senses tells me falsehoods. SO: I shall treat what my senses tell me as false. (Method of Doubt)

8 Dream Argument i) It is possible that any test that shows I am awake is itself merely a dream. ii) Therefore: it is possible I am dreaming now. SO: I shall treat what I now experience as though it were a dream.

9 Malicious Demon Argument i) It is possible for God to deceive me even about a priori truths. ii) It is possible God allows me to be deceived about the a priori. SO: I shall suppose a Malicious Demon is deceiving me

10 METHOD OF DOUBT Has Descartes gone too far with DOUBT ?????

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