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Geo-thermal energyGeo-thermal energy By Diarmuid Ward Daniel Pinzon Conor Mc Nally Peter Gallagher.

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Presentation on theme: "Geo-thermal energyGeo-thermal energy By Diarmuid Ward Daniel Pinzon Conor Mc Nally Peter Gallagher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geo-thermal energyGeo-thermal energy By Diarmuid Ward Daniel Pinzon Conor Mc Nally Peter Gallagher

2 They pump cold water deep into the earth, which is heated and made into steam by the heat, it is brought back up the the surface, which turns a turbine, which in turn, turns the generator!!!

3 Geothermal is better than fossil fuels because it will not run out, there is no pollution and when it is built, its more or less free!!!

4 It is the best energy source because it can produce energy 24 hours a day in any conditions!!!

5 Does not create pollution power stations do not take up too much room no fuel is needed once you have built a geothermal power station the energy is almost free

6 Hazardous gases may come up from underground and may be hard to dispose of. Sometimes a geothermal site may run out of steam. Possibly for decades

7 So the main points are: Its cheap It can give us 24 hour electricity in any type of weater When the station is built, its more or less free

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