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Counting with pebbles in the Stone-age. The first known calculator, Abacus, was invented in Babylonia in 2400 BC.

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Presentation on theme: "Counting with pebbles in the Stone-age. The first known calculator, Abacus, was invented in Babylonia in 2400 BC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Counting with pebbles in the Stone-age

2 The first known calculator, Abacus, was invented in Babylonia in 2400 BC

3 John Napier invented Napier's Rods in 1614

4 William Oughtred invented the Sliderule in 1622

5 Blaise Pascal invented Pascaline in 1642

6 Joseph-Marie Jacquard invented Punched Cards in 1801.

7 Charles Babbage designed his first Analytical Computer in 1822.

8 Herman Hollerith invented a Counting Machine in 1890.

9 ENIAC, the first general purpose electronic computer was invented in 1946

10 IBM System/360, the first computer was invented in1964

11 Interface Message Processor, was invented in 1969

12 Cray-1, the first super computer was invented in 1976

13 Apple I, was designed by Steve as a build-it-yourself kit computer in 1976

14 IBM Personal Computer, was invented in 1981

15 In 1991 Tim Berners came up with the World Wide Web(Internet)

16 The first laptop computer the Power Book 100 was introduced.

17 Nokia introduced a phone that had internet capabilities. This started a revolution of devices that were small portable computers.

18 Artificial Intelligence

19 iPhone and iPad, 2007-2010

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