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Jacques Cartier By: Olivia. Cartier's Expedition In 1534 Cartier led 3 expeditions to find new riches In 1540 Cartier named and landed in Canada In 1541.

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Presentation on theme: "Jacques Cartier By: Olivia. Cartier's Expedition In 1534 Cartier led 3 expeditions to find new riches In 1540 Cartier named and landed in Canada In 1541."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacques Cartier By: Olivia

2 Cartier's Expedition In 1534 Cartier led 3 expeditions to find new riches In 1540 Cartier named and landed in Canada In 1541 tried to start settlement in Quebec It was a bitter cold winter that is why Cartier failed to start the settlement The king of France Cartier's boss found out about his actions then made Cartier and his men stay in Quebec for a whole year!

3 The river voyage In 1542 Cartier sets out on his 4 th expedition he was looking for a secrete rough to get to the Northwest passage He searched above Canada for this secrete rough One the way Cartier ran into an Indian tribe that helped him find his way Then after a while of searching Cartier noticed that there was no shortcut or passage lading to the Northwest passage Then Cartier went back to France to inform the king

4 Cartier's ship Cartier's ship has a 1872 sail with a read capital J Carters wood has 4 windows

5 Quiz [get out paper] 1. True or False? 2. Did Cartier fail or succeed Cartier led 5 expeditions in all to start settlement in Quebec True or False 3. Did Cartier find the secrete 4. What country did Cartier Rough to the northwest passage? search for the secrete rough 5. What year did A. Canada Cartier lead his 3 expeditions B. Spain A. 1545 C. Europe B. 1535 C. 1555 D. 1540

6 Answers 1. False 2. he did fail 3.No it did not exist 4.A 5.B Congrates! If you missed 1 you got a awesome If you missed 2 you got a cool If you missed 3 you got a good If you missed 4 you got a thumes up If you missed 5 you got a try next time

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