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A study of the book of James. steals our joy (ch 1) robs us of peace (ch 3) empowers sin (ch 1,4) harms others (ch 2,3,4) makes fools of us (ch 1,3) brings.

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Presentation on theme: "A study of the book of James. steals our joy (ch 1) robs us of peace (ch 3) empowers sin (ch 1,4) harms others (ch 2,3,4) makes fools of us (ch 1,3) brings."— Presentation transcript:

1 a study of the book of James

2 steals our joy (ch 1) robs us of peace (ch 3) empowers sin (ch 1,4) harms others (ch 2,3,4) makes fools of us (ch 1,3) brings God’s discipline (ch 2,3) leads to death (ch 1,2,5) The Divided Life

3 ① Undivided Faith

4 Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one!” ① Undivided Faith God Exists Jesus is Lord

5 Isaiah 45:5 “I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides Me there is no God...” ① Undivided Faith God Exists Jesus is Lord

6 ① Undivided Faith God Exists Jesus is Lord Jesus is Christ Assumes we already believe it 2:1

7 ② Undivided Devotion

8 James... younger half-brother of Jesus a skeptic during Jesus’ ministry ② Undivided Devotion

9 John 7:5 For not even His brothers were believing in Him. ② Undivided Devotion

10 James... younger half-brother of Jesus a skeptic during Jesus’ ministry transformed after seeing Jesus resurrected “doulos of God & of the Lord Jesus” ② Undivided Devotion

11 James... younger half-brother of Jesus a skeptic during Jesus’ ministry transformed after seeing Jesus resurrected “slave of God & of the Lord Jesus” ② Undivided Devotion

12 "There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: 'Mine!'” Abraham Kuyper ② Undivided Devotion

13 Importance of obedience 1:22 1:25 2:20 4:17 ② Undivided Devotion

14 54 commands in 108 verses highest % in the NT ② Undivided Devotion

15 ③ Undivided Allegiance

16 Acts 8:1...on that day a great persecution began against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered... ③ Undivided Allegiance “twelve tribes dispersed abroad”

17 Acts 8:4 Therefore, those who had been scattered went about preaching the word. ③ Undivided Allegiance “twelve tribes dispersed abroad”

18 ③ Undivided Allegiance “twelve tribes dispersed abroad” didn’t fit in with Jews didn’t fit in with Gentiles tempted to compromise

19 ③ Undivided Allegiance Will I embrace God’s values or the world’s values? Our answer: Both! 4:4 1:27

20 ③ Undivided Allegiance James: practical guide to living in the world without loving the world = wisdom 3:17

21 read James in one sitting pray for transformative growth get connected at Grace The Undivided Life



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