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4BP1 Electronic & Computer Engineering Paul Gildea 04489187 4 th Year Final Project Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "4BP1 Electronic & Computer Engineering Paul Gildea 04489187 4 th Year Final Project Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 4BP1 Electronic & Computer Engineering Paul Gildea 04489187 4 th Year Final Project Presentation

2 2 Presentation Outline Project Overview Technology System development Conclusions & Future Development Questions

3 3 Project Overview Unified Communication System based on the Location of Communication Devices Integration of RTLS with communications. A user tags the communication devices they use. System to track these devices and their owners. Owners and devices located in different zones. Optimise routing of communications.

4 4 Project Overview Tag detected by reader in zone. Information gathered. Client sends tag information to server. Server interacts with database. Server communicates with client.

5 5 Technology Evaluation Kit RFID reader. Drivers. Passive RFID tags. Sample Software. Rges. MIFAREWnd. Documentation.

6 6 Technology RFID reader connected to client PC. Reader used to detect tags. Tag powered by reader via electromagnetism.

7 7 Technology Tag is selected by the reader via this process:

8 8 System Development MySQL Database. Table design. Data Storage.

9 9 System Development Database management system. phpMyAdmin. Aid in learning SQL.

10 10 System Development C/C++ Several programs developed. Edited version of Rges suitable for this system. UDP client. UDP server. Program to start up the database CLI automatically.

11 11 System Development Applications demonstrating the system. Re-routing telephony. Visual Basic – Visual Studio. Event driven. Drag and drop components.

12 12 System Development Visual basic telephony applications. VBVoice add-on. Database connection – MyODBC driver. Provider=MySQL;Data Source =MySQLDatabase;User Id=Username; Password=Password;.

13 13 System Development VBVoice Applications Rules for the system. No contact zones. Routing calls to nearest device.

14 14 System Development Various component properties. Application database connection:

15 15 System Development Application running. User prompted for number to dial. Testing the various output permutations.

16 16 System Development Web Development Configuration of system rules User interaction with system. Check if system is running correctly. Aid against loss and theft of items.

17 17 System Development HTML. WAMP5 task manager. Apache. MySQL. PHP

18 18 Conclusions & Future Development RFID efficiently re-routes communications with the integration of RTLS. Should be used in a variety of communications applications. Useful convenience for businesses and customers. Is already in use by Walmart and Tesco stocking systems. Versatile and adaptable. Possibly the next generation barcode.

19 19 Conclusions & Future Development Different communication forms. Instant messaging Instant messages sent to one of a selection of IM addresses shows the logic of the project well.  Client application A (normal IM client) sends IM to IM address, B.  Client app B receives IM.  Queries database.  Forwards IM to appropriate address C1, C2 or C3.  Result based on information returned from database.

20 20 Questions Any Questions?

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