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Two Nations Live on the Edge Chapter 18.4. Brinkmanship Rules US Policy Race for the hydrogen bomb Arms race The policy of brinkmanship – Eisenhower Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "Two Nations Live on the Edge Chapter 18.4. Brinkmanship Rules US Policy Race for the hydrogen bomb Arms race The policy of brinkmanship – Eisenhower Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Two Nations Live on the Edge Chapter 18.4

2 Brinkmanship Rules US Policy Race for the hydrogen bomb Arms race The policy of brinkmanship – Eisenhower Secretary of State-John Foster Dulles- anti communist US increases Air Force US decreases Army and Navy






8 The Cold War Spreads Around the World CIA Covert actions in the Middle East and Latin America Shah in Iran Guatemala




12 The Warsaw Pact-Eastern European military bloc Summit in Geneva “Open skies”

13 The Suez War Egypt plays US/USSR Egypt nationalizes canal Israel blocked Israel sends troops

14 The Eisenhower Doctrine-US would defend against any attack on the Middle East by the communists The Hungarian uprising 1956 Soviets crush rebellion No help from the US




18 Egyptian president Gamal Abder Nasser's 1956 nationalization of the Suez Canal, crippled the ability of Great Britain and France to trade internationally. As a result, the two countries allied with Israel to attack Egypt.



21 The Cold War Takes to the Skies 1953 Stalin dies Nikita Khrushchev takes over The Space Race-1957 Sputnik-Soviet satellite A U-2 is shot down-spy plane to take pictures

22 Soviets shoot down U-2 Renewed confrontation U-2 incident



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