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Exam tests (3 pack). 1-Dystrophy-disturbance: A- tissue B - bodies C – cells? Enter the correct answers to the answers at the bottom of the cell the first.

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1 exam tests (3 pack)

2 1-Dystrophy-disturbance: A- tissue B - bodies C – cells? Enter the correct answers to the answers at the bottom of the cell the first task - test items

3 2- Parenchyma tissue is : A - perform the main functions of the authority B - the epithelial tissue of the organ C - internal departments of

4 3-Strom-tissue organs: A - do not perform specific functions B - specific to the organ C- mesenchymal?

5 4 - Clusters shown lipid containing macrophages in the dermis are: - A - a manifestation of lipid metabolism B - xanthomas, C - the result of hyperlipidemia, D - that's right

6 5- Vacuoles with clear boundaries (A) to comply gepatobioptate dystrophy: A – hydropic or B- fats ? А Б 6 Mesh weight protein in individual cells (B) - this is the calf: 3- Kaunsilmens or 4 - Mallory?

7 7 -Mesh weight protein hepatocytes (Mallory bodies) characteristic: A- viral hepatitis B- alcoholic hepatitis C-disproteinozis D- lipidosis?

8 8 - According to the changes in the epithelium of convoluted tubules in the photo there is a degeneration: A "grain" B- hydropic or C-fat?

9 9 - According to the changes in the epithelium of convoluted tubules in the bottom photo dystrophy occurs: A- "grain" B- hydropic or C-fat?

10 10 - According to the mean changes in the vessel wall (photo), we have: A- mucoid swelling B-fibrinoid swelling or C-hyalinosis?

11 11 - The picture shows a picture: A- protein dystrophy B-stromal dystrophy C-vessel walls hyalinosis or D-all right?

12 12-Man shown in the photo with the growth of 160 cm, weight 80 kg (exceeding the norm by 29%), obesity is: A- second or B- third-degree ? 13- Biopsy (right) shows that the fat cells markedly enlarged, with basophilic cytoplasm. These are the signs: A- friendly, treat diet or B- negative obesity?

13 14 - According to localization distinguish dystrophy: A -parenchymal B-mineral С-protein ?

14 15 Hyalinosis occurs in the outcome A- fatty B-edema С-fibrinoid

15 16- Stromal dystrophy is: A- hyalinosis B-hydropic C-horn ?

16 18 19

17 Test 20 - determine prescription submitted myocardial infarction. A - less than a day, B -one - two days, C- about a week, D-about a month?

18 Send written information to me.

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