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1 mm Polarization Science with CARMA

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1 1 mm Polarization Science with CARMA
Chat Hull Collaborators: Dick Plambeck, Greg Engargiola, & all the CARMA staff 19 August 2011 URSI General Assembly XXX Istanbul, Turkey

2 CARMA Combine Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy Consortium: Berkeley, Caltech, Illinois, Maryland, Chicago Attributes 6 ⨯10-m, 9 ⨯ 6-m, 8 ⨯ 3.5-m telescopes Observations at 1mm, 3mm, and 1cm Located in Cedar Flat, CA (near Bishop) Science goals Molecular emission in galaxies Galaxy clusters Protoplanetary debris disks Dust polarization in star-forming regions

3 Class 0 Dust Polarization
Credit: NASA, ESA, STScI, J. Hester and P. Scowen (Arizona State University)

4 Credit: Bill Saxton, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
-Strong or weak? -See hourglass? -Dust emission strong at 1 mm Credit: Bill Saxton, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

5 Why observe polarization?
B-fields play an important role in star formation How important? Are they strong (& ordered)? Are they weak (& chaotic)? B-fields  polarization Dust grains align their spin axes with B-fields Dust emission is strong at 1 mm

6 First Target: NGC 1333 IRAS 4A
CARMA observations SMA observations Girart+ 2006 SMA: 8*6m antennas = 226 m^2 CARMA: 6*10m, 9*6m = 726 m^2 (more than factor of 3 more area) -Factor of two more dishes -Equivalent T_sys? -Factor of 2 more bandwidth We want to search for “hourglass” shape of the B-field structure in the circumbinary envelope

7 How do we make it work? Grad student

8 1 mm Dual-polarization Receivers
Waveguide circular polarizer Orthomode transducer SIS mixers WBA13 I.F. amplifiers (1-9 GHz) 1 mm Dual-polarization Receivers 1 inch

9 Turnstile-junction OMT
The OMT is based on a turnstile junction and 2 power combiners - this design was worked out by Alessandro Navarrini when he was a postdoc in Berkeley. It looks pretty intimidating to make, but it’s not as bad as it looks . The waveguides are all split down the middle, so what you have do do is to machine 4 blocks of metal and bolt them together. 1 cm Navarrini & Plambeck 2006, IEEE-MTT, 54,

10 OMT construction Here’s an assembly diagram.
Now, as you know, it’s not so hard to get great results out of an electromagnetic simulation of a device like this, but can you actually machine it reproducibly?

11 Testing OMTs using 300 GHz network analyzer at Agilent

12 Some OMTs have resonances…

13 Unequal sidearm lengths in OMT can cause resonances (simulation)

14 OMT tests at 4K (passbands, LO = 210-255 GHz in 1 GHz steps)
OMT10 (bad) OMT15 (good)

15 Polarizer construction
Copper electroplated onto mandrel Aluminum mandrel Machined Soldered into waveguide flange 1 inch

16 Final design: 2-section polarizer
λ/2 retarder at 15° λ/4 retarder at 74.5° 0.047’’ diameter facets 0.006’’ deep

17 XY  RL Receiver Sky

18 Sample polarizer test data (mandrel machining errors)
Fraction of linear radiation converted to RCP and LCP

19 Polarization calibration
Two main steps to calibrate a polarimeter: XY phase The absolute phase offset between the RCP and LCP receivers of an antenna Leakage terms The fraction of LCP radiation detected in the RCP receiver, and vice versa

20 XY phase calibration How do we find an antenna’s XY phase?
Observe a strongly polarized source with known position angle These don’t exist at mm wavelengths We create our own by observing broadband noise from the ambient load through a wire-grid polarizer!

21 XY phase calibration SKY (~60 K) WIRE-GRID POLARIZER AMBIENT LOAD
-Extremely high percentage polarization, thus… -High-SNR correlation between LCP and RCP. -Band dependent due to hardware -Antenna dependent -Forward gains of antennas: 100 Jy/K (10m), 150 Jy/K (6m) -Sky temperature calculation: atmosphere temp*(1 – \e^{-\tau}), or (280 K)*(1 – e^(-0.2)) = ~50 K for typical weather FEED HORN

22 XY phase fit results Tau_2: overall slope across IF. Tau_3_hi,lo: intra-band slopes. Tau_4: jumps and equal-and-opposite slopes in higher and lower chunks.

23 Correlated Noise Source
1 mm signal path RF = 210 – 270 GHz IF = 1 – 9 GHz Baseband = 0.5 – 1.0 GHz τ2 τ3,hi 10 GHz mixer τ1 Baseband mixer RF mixer 5 – 9 GHz 1 – 5 GHz FILTER FILTER To digitizer, filter, & correlator 0.5 – 1.0 GHz RCP 1 – 9 GHz τ4 FILTER 1 – 5 GHz τ3,lo Feed horn Polarizer All phases flat OMT NOISE Correlated Noise Source downconverters Block LO 2 1.75 – 4.25 GHz 8-way splitters We fit these delays to Xyphase data at a variety of IF setups. 5 – 9 GHz 1 – 5 GHz FILTER FILTER To digitizer, filter, & correlator 0.5 – 1.0 GHz LCP 1 – 9 GHz FILTER 1 – 5 GHz

24 Status/conclusions Dual-polarization receivers are installed on all and 10-m telescopes Full-Stokes (LL, LR, RL, RR) system is working Observed NGC 1333-IRAS 4A as a commissioning test XY phase offset is well understood Leakages need to be determined better Will soon install new Berkeley-made polarizers Full-Stokes commissioning time will be in Oct., 2011

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