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Global I: Spiconardi.  The Prophecy: At Siddhartha’s birth it was predicted that he had the signs of a great man. If Siddhartha stayed at home, he was.

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Presentation on theme: "Global I: Spiconardi.  The Prophecy: At Siddhartha’s birth it was predicted that he had the signs of a great man. If Siddhartha stayed at home, he was."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global I: Spiconardi

2  The Prophecy: At Siddhartha’s birth it was predicted that he had the signs of a great man. If Siddhartha stayed at home, he was destined to become a world ruler. If he left home, he was destined to become a universal spiritual leader (a Buddha).  Siddhartha’s father isolated him in his palace  This made Siddhartha curious about the outside world  At age 29, Siddhartha left the palace walls 4 times with a guide as per his father’s request  Siddhartha realized that every person experiences:  Old age  Sickness  Death

3  The Enlightenment  Siddhartha decided to search for religious truth & an end to suffering  The search lasted 6 years  In his sixth year, after 49 days of meditation Siddhartha came to a realization about suffering…

4  The Four Noble Truths  All life is suffering  Suffering is caused by desire for things that bring temporary pleasures  The way to eliminate suffering is to eliminate desire  The way to eliminate suffering is to follow the Eightfold Path

5  Eightfold Path  Right Understanding  Right Belief/Intention  Right Speech  Right Behavior/Conduct  Right Occupation  Right Effort  Right Contemplation  Right Meditation

6  Nirvana  A state of enlightenment in which one has freed himself from selfishness and desire  Releasing from the cycle of death and rebirth  Similar to what concept in Hinduism?

7 Mass Religion/Popular worshipStricter/Individual worship  Mahayana  The “Greater Vehicle”  Worship Buddha as a deity  Have many religious rituals  Venerate saints known as Bodhisattvas  Nirvana is achieved with others and could be given up for Salvation through good works  Theravada  The “Lesser Vehicle”  Believe Buddhism is for monks; for individuals it’s a philosophy  View Buddha as a teacher  Avoid rituals  Achieving nirvana is individualistic through meditation

8  Buddhism:  Denies existence of atman  Does not believe there is a caste system  Despite Mayhana beliefs, no deities in Buddhism Buddha refused followers to worship as a god

9 Stupas  stone mounds containing the relics of the Buddha Ascetic 

10 Answer on the next slide


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