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Alderwood Elementary School Student Behavior Expectations & Disciplinary Consequences 2011-2012.

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2 Alderwood Elementary School Student Behavior Expectations & Disciplinary Consequences 2011-2012


4 OWLStars Walk with a purpose in single file Keep hands and feet to self Go directly to their line when the bell rings Use kind, respectful words

5 OWLStars Are quiet in the restrooms Don’t play in the restrooms Don’t play handball against the school building Don’t sit or play on gates or bike racks

6 On the playground, OWLStars Eat snacks at the tables before playing Swing forward on swings: –Count 30 for primary –Count 60 for upper grade Walk up the slide steps Walk on the concrete and blacktop unless playing in an organized game Allow others to play

7 Bicycle Safety  Bike riders must wear a helmet  Bikes must be locked in the bike area  Bikes must be walked on campus  Only students in grades 3-6 may ride bikes to school

8 No wheels used at school Scooters, Razors, Skateboards or wheels in shoes

9 Dress Code For safety reasons…… Only closed-toed, closed heeled shoes No dangling earrings No acrylic nails

10 Dress Code To Be Respectful…. No tummies showing Tank Top straps must be 2 inches Hats are only worn outside

11 Cell Phones, IPods, MP3s, Electronic Devices Must be turned off and remain in backpacks during school hours If your phone rings or device is seen, it will be confiscated and turned in to Dr. Chaffee Parents must come to school and get your phone/device from Dr. Chaffee Second offense = Dr. Chaffee will keep it at school for the rest of the school year

12 Internet A Technology agreement between you and your parents is kept on file No My Space or Facebook If you violate the Technology Agreement you will lose your computer privileges at school for the rest of the school year Use kind, respectful words

13 Dangerous Items Knives Matches Lighters

14 Dangerous Items Laser pointers Toy guns Look alike toy guns

15 Dangerous Items Cigarettes Alcohol Explosives

16 Dangerous Items Drugs Guns Razor Blades Possession of any dangerous items will result in suspension and/or expulsion!!!

17 What if you find a dangerous item at school? DO NOT TOUCH IT OR PICK IT UP Go to the nearest adult immediately Tell them you’ve what you’ve found Ask them to come with you to pick it up Tell your teacher about it when you get back to class

18 How can you be a successful OWL Star? Do your best, make good choices, and …. Own your Actions Work to succeed Lead with Kindness Show Respect

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