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SCIENCE FAIR The Sweet Sound Of Science Fair Paperwork Rustling On My Desk! Link to Science Fair Paperwork Forms.

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Presentation on theme: "SCIENCE FAIR The Sweet Sound Of Science Fair Paperwork Rustling On My Desk! Link to Science Fair Paperwork Forms."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCIENCE FAIR The Sweet Sound Of Science Fair Paperwork Rustling On My Desk! Link to Science Fair Paperwork Forms

2 Essential Question How do students benefit from science fair paperwork? Learning Goal Objective All science fair paperwork will be of exemplar quality. Product Ticket Out SCIENCE FAIR COMMON BOARD CONFIGURATION Learners will better understand the process and importance of filling out science fair forms.

3  Student Checklist (1A) – START AND END DATES  Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1) *PRE-EXPERIMENT*!!!  Adult Sponsor/teacher carefully reviews the entire Research Plan and signs prior to experimentation  Check for additional PROTOCOL FORMS that might be needed to do the experiment  Student information  Continuation?  Start and end dates  Where is experiment conducted?  Approval Form (1B) – Student and Parent approval *PRE-EXPERIMENT*!!!  Understand Possible dangers  HAVE READ AND WILL FOLLOW THE RULES & GUIDELINES  Ethics statement  SRC/IRB Approval if REQUIRED BEFORE EXPERIMENTATION  Human Subjects  Vertebrates  Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents (PHBA’s)  Hazardous Chemicals, Activities, and Devices (SSEF RULE)  ATTACH COMPLETE Research Plan – Question/Hypothesis; procedures; Bibliography  RISK ASSESSMENT FORM - *PRE-EXPERIMENT*  ATTACH PROTOCOL FORMS if required

4 1. Must fill in all information on page 1 and 2 for individual projects. 2. Team projects must fill out pages 1-4. 3. Dates will be whenever you fill out the Entry Form.

5 1. Must be filled out because pictures will be taken and press will be present at Regional Science Fair. 2. Parent/Guardian signature and one witness must sign form. 3. Dates are to be whenever you signed it.



8 1. A Research Plan is not a research paper!!! 2. Procedures must be in steps not paragraphs and VERY DETAILED. 3. List all safety concerns and how you will prevent injury in your procedures. 4. Bibliography should be APA style. 5. Must include ISEF website in Bibliography. cietyforscience.or g/intel-isef cietyforscience.or g/intel-isef #2 includes a Research Plan and a Project Summary.

9 1. Signed by student and parent. 2. Dates must be before start of project. (look at form 1A). 3. #2a and #2b will only need to be filled out if project needs to be SRC’d.(SRC team will sign). 4. #3 does not need to be signed unless student goes to State. ( I will sign).

10 1. Must be filled out and signed by person who helps student with project. 2. #5 must have a website. 3. Must be signed before start of project. (look at form 1A)

11 What is SRC???? SRC is a committee of qualified people that will go over the paperwork for a project before the project is started. The SRC will look over the International, State and Regional rules to decide if the project is okay for the student to complete. The SRC for this year will be October 7 th, 2015 at 3:30pm. I will need all paperwork before October 7 th for projects that need to be SRC’d.

12 Projects that must be SRC’d!!! Human Subjects - (including projects involving the use of psychological surveys) Potentially hazardous Biological Agents (microorganisms, recombinant DNA (rDNA) technologies, or human or animal fresh tissues, blood, or body fluids Fire Vertebrate animals Research Institute Qualified Scientist Continuation Project Chemicals Collecting water from lakes, ponds, oceans etc. Hazardous Substances or Devices (including model rockets, drugs, alcohol, and many other chemicals) ANY OTHER POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ACTIVITY OR EXPERIMENT

13 Other Forms 1. Research Institute Form 1C – use when doing experiment at a lab, college, institutions etc. – signed and dated after experiment by research institute. 2. Qualified Scientist Form 2 – use when doing experiment with a scientist. – signed and dated before the experiment by qualified scientist. 3. Human Subjects Form 4 – use when doing an experiment that involves humans. (even if you are asking questions to a person). – signed and dated by SRC before the experiment. 4. Human Informed Consent Form - use when doing an experiment that involves humans. (even if you are asking questions to a person). – signed and dated before the experiment. 5. Vertebrate Animal Form 5A – use when doing an experiment with vertebrate animals. - signed and dated before the experiment by a veterinarian. If you use these forms, the experiment MUST be SRC’d!!!

14 6. Vertebrate Animal Form 5B - use when doing an experiment with vertebrate animals. - signed and dated before experiment by qualified scientist. 7. Mortality Report - - use when doing an experiment with vertebrate animals. – filled out after the experiment. 8. Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents Form 6A – use when doing an experiment with biological chemicals. - Signed and dated before experiment by SRC and qualified scientist. 9. Human and Vertebrate Animal Tissue Form 6B – use when doing an experiment with human or animal tissue. - signed and dated before the experiment by qualified scientist or designated supervisor. 10. Continuation Form 7 – use when continuing an experiment from the previous year. – signed and dated before the experiment by student. Must include last year’s Abstract and Research plan.

15 Question and Answer Session – 5 minutes SCIENCE FAIR PAPERWORK TICKET OUT! How do students benefit from science fair paperwork?

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