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How does self awareness effect dance? Circle time how is everyone feeling Strength and weakness in dance class Warm-up barre: Plie, tendue, degage, swings,

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Presentation on theme: "How does self awareness effect dance? Circle time how is everyone feeling Strength and weakness in dance class Warm-up barre: Plie, tendue, degage, swings,"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does self awareness effect dance? Circle time how is everyone feeling Strength and weakness in dance class Warm-up barre: Plie, tendue, degage, swings, stretch, battement, stretch Abdominal work bring awareness to your core(8 of 8) Talk about functional alignment Across the floor battement, prance, grand jete Center combo tension and release Somatic Practices Collins writing one: What are your strength and weakness in this class

2 How does self awareness effect dance? Warm-up big X, reach to toe, baby banana, swings in 4 th hip raise, other side sit and spin repeat left. 8 push ups, downward dog and walk raise rt and fall rasie left and fall Abdominal work bring awareness to your core(8 of 8) Plie, tendue, foot flicks, saute 1 st and 2 nd Talk about functional alignment Across the floor battement, prance, grand jete Center combo tension and release Somatic Practices awareness of the body where body and mind function together to create a whole Watch Denis Wall alignment and imagery Write a summary of the video from dance media and explain how you will put some of Ms Walls ideas into practice

3 How does self awareness effect dance? Warm-up big X, reach to toe, baby banana, swings in 4 th hip raise, other side sit and spin repeat left. 8 push ups, downward dog and walk raise rt and fall rasie left and fall Abdominal work bring awareness to your core(8 of 8) Plie, tendue, foot flicks, saute 1 st and 2 nd Center Phrase Across the floor chasse, battement, grande jete Inside self make a list of all words that describe how you feel about yourself Outside self make a list of words that relate to how other view you Chose two words from inside self and two words from outside self to create a dance phrase Example Tall (outside)---- Frustrated (inside)----- Energetic (outside)------Caring (inside) Use your chart to create a phrase that shows each element of yourself. Create at least 4 counts of 8 Peer review, refine, show

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