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Evidence of Evolution Fossils Vestigial Structures Embryonic Development DNA sequences.

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Presentation on theme: "Evidence of Evolution Fossils Vestigial Structures Embryonic Development DNA sequences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidence of Evolution Fossils Vestigial Structures Embryonic Development DNA sequences

2 Fossils Preserved remains or imprint of ancient organisms Form mostly when sand/silt settle from water over dead organism  sedimentary rock Fossil record is incomplete: –Most living things leave no trace; –Fossils vulnerable to weather & erosion; –Soft parts do not fossilize well. Provide much of what we know about life’s history. Fossils are dated by a chemical method called radioisotope dating.

3 Fossil Formation We can only date igneous rock using radioactive isotopes; Sedimentary rock is dated using layers of igneous rock above and below it.

4 Radioactive Isotopes Are Used to Date Fossils / Geological Layers of the Earth

5 Geology - Law of Superposition (add to notes) Sedimentary layers are deposited in a time sequence, with the oldest on the bottom and the youngest on the top (provided that there is no overturning).  Newest layer  Oldest layer

6 Plate Tectonics affects biogeography (how species are distributed in geographical areas)

7 What drives plate tectonics? Analogy: hard-boiled egg

8 Fossil Record & Human Evolution

9 “Lucy” (Australopithecus afarensis ) -- discovered 1974, Ethiopia; ~3.4 m.y.a.; 40% complete Hip structure shows bipedal upright walk, brain capacity comparable to that of ape  Lucy replicaReconstruction Some fossils are famous!

10 An artist’s interpretation shows how a 4.4-million-year-old female Ardipithecus may have looked  “Ardi” (Ardipithecus ramidus ) ~4.4 m.y.a. – Eastern Africa – fossils found 1990’s - 2004 Evolved a few million years after humanity’s evolutionary family diverged from a lineage that led to chimpanzees, but it is not clear exactly how this species is related to other early hominids. Fossils of this ancient hominid display a mixture of traits suitable for two-legged walking and tree climbing Some fossils are famous!

11 “Living Fossils” Species that are relatively unchanged from their distant ancestors: Coelacanth a living fossil fish Horseshoe crab a living fossil arthropod

12 Embryonic Development Ex: Vertebrate embryos share a tail and gill slits at early stages of development, revealing the presence of genes that are no longer expressed in the adult.

13 Human Embryonic Development

14 Vestigial Structures Inherited, No Longer Functional

15 Atavistic Traits are thought to be caused by the expression of genes that had been silenced during evolution. (Atavus = grandfather/ancestor  expression of an ancestral trait) X-ray image of an atavistic tail found in a six-year old girl (from

16 Homologous Structures Similar Structure from Common Ancestry

17 Lizard Human Cow Bird Bat Whale


19 Analogous Structures Similar Function, NOT Common Ancestry

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