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THEN… …WOW! The World Wide Web… Useful sites included: located and collected personally, in bookmarks shared with others through listservs, professional.

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3 …WOW! The World Wide Web…



6 Useful sites included: located and collected personally, in bookmarks shared with others through listservs, professional journals, networks and personal websites means of communication (emailing)

7 ENTER… …WEB 2.0!

8 The term "Web 2.0" (conceived in 2005) describes be a new breed of websites:

9 The power of Web 2.0 is about personal involvement. It empowers users to communicate and share, using, new and more user-friendly tools, learning from each other. LUKE, what does THAT mean?


11 Let’s take a look at the tools!

12 To go where no man has gone before… Discovering the world of Web2.0 Using Web2.0 tools to create unique learning and teaching opportunities

13 Buzz, your last podcast came in yesterday on my RSS aggregator. That was cool! Thanks, it took me TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!

14 Maybe we need social bookmarking?

15 Note to self…bookmark “First Aid”, “Scars,” and “Rehabilitation”! Your Mission: --Peruse Web2.0 tools --Fine 4 tools that fit into your unit --Create an account, create a sample of the tool to be used in your unit (either as a teaching tool or as an example of what the students will do with the tool) --Embed it in your wiki in the lesson you will use it with (in your Unit of Instruction section).

16 Oh, and one more thing…! --BE SURE to describe how the use of the tool changes the learning environment

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